I have a horrible cold any suggestions?!

Question: I have a bad cold and I can't breath. I also have a really sore throat with it. Is there something that I can take that will help? I am trying to stay away from meds. I have been trying to drink green tea. I have heard that it will help. but is there anything else?

Answers: I have a bad cold and I can't breath. I also have a really sore throat with it. Is there something that I can take that will help? I am trying to stay away from meds. I have been trying to drink green tea. I have heard that it will help. but is there anything else?

I am a doctor..
Well, i know that the cold and sore throat is such a pain.

For the time being, use salt water to gargle your throat.do it 3 times per day.give it some time, it may take about 3 days..
if you feel slat water is not working for you, do the gargling with betadine solution..
when you goto sleep do it as the last thing so that you wont wash you mouth after the salt water/betadine gargle.

do some steam inahaltion.do it about 2/3 times per day.it would help.
take some hot water into a bowl.then cover you head with a towel and inhale the steam.Do it for about 6 mintues..

but you may have to take antibiotics if it is a bacterial infection.amoxycillin 500mg , 3 times per day for 5 days may work..but it again depends on whethe you have penicillin allergey and on whethr the organism is penicillin resistant..
so not take amoxycillin if you have penicillin allergy..

the best thing is to get a throat swab culture and ABST done.
it would determine whether this bacterial or viral.consult your doctor for this.

if its viral there may be no need to take anitbiotics. but you just cant sometimes differentiate from examination alone.

for the time being do the above mentioned things.
also avoid drinking cool things and drink more and more hot water and hot beverages.
honey may also soothe your throat..

Do you work in a very cold environment? if so , avoid that place for the time being and goto a warmer area of your workplace..

If you want more info, feel free to write to me or visit
This is a free site done by me and other doctors to answer health querries for free.

zinc lozenges are supposed to be good for a cold, it will lessen the duration of it, and it could soothe your throat as well. Try tea with honey too. Or a hot steamy shower to help you breathe better.

Green tea helps, but I love Celestial Seasoning's Lemon Zinger hot tea for soothing a sore throat. Sweeten it with some honey and it's amazing.

Also, make sure you stay hydrated, maybe take some Vitamin C so that you can boost your immune system, and take long, hot, steamy baths to try and open up your sinuses and clear any chest congestion.

If it's just unbearable, I suggest getting some Alka-Seltzer cold and flu. That's my last resort go-to because it works wonders. It will make you drowsy, so I usually take it before I go to bed, but it has aspirin in it so it relieves sore throats, body aches, and also stops the itchy, watery eyes, sneezing, and coughing.

Hope you feel better!! I know how it feels!

Hot water mixed with lemon juice and honey and stay away from the antibiotics

I suggest you make some orange juice with honey. Then, drink it warm. It's great!

Get a big piece of ginger root and cut it into two inch sections.
Place them in a freezer bag (except for two of them) and freeze them. Put the remaining two in a small pot of water and make some ginger tea. Make it good and strong and drink!

I am not a doctor. But I keep my blood disinfected with alcohol.
There is no way for Germs or Viruses to get started. HIC

For overall cold - Mullein Tea (available at health food stores or http://www.iherb.com - not affiliated). Mullein has been used for a respiratory ailments for a very long time and works very well. Steep 5-8 minutes, add honey - which also will help. Drink as often as you wish.

For the sore throat and cold symptoms - Grapefruit Seed Extract, liquid form (available same places as tea). Dilute 10 drops in 6 oz. of water and gargle. Swallow if you like or spit out. It tastes pretty strong, so follow with some grapefruit juice or pineapple juice.

Other things you can do that will help speed things along, but not as good as the first to options:
Honey - in your tea or straight, 1 tsp.
Vit C 500 mg 2x daily
Apple Cider vinegar - 1 tsp in a glass of apple juice is best way to take
Garlic - fresh, we make a garlic butter and use it on bread or pasta
Lemon tea, peppermint tea.
Cut Out ALL refined sugars - they suppress the immune system and make your body have to work harder to get well. You can do natural sugars - honey, molasses, turbinado or Stevia for a substitute (no artificial sweeteners either).

ONLY 100% juices - others contain refined sugars and will counteract the good you are trying to do. The green tea will help some, but not as much as the other things.

Go get yourself a powdered form of ascorbid acid (vitamin C) with bioflavonoids from either the health food store or chemist. The bioflavonoids will increase the effectiveness of vitamin C 10 fold. Have 3,000 - 4,000mg (3 - 4 teaspoons) daily mixed with water until the cold subsides then maintain your immunity with 1 teaspoon daily.

Most health food stores also sell a product called Zinc Fix which combines the power of vitamin C with Zinc in a powdered form. The Zinc bolsters the effects of vitamin C and this is my powder of choice for a cold.

Drink vitamin C rich rosehips tea as this is the richest known source of vitamin C. (the organic loose leaf variety - it may be a bit more expensive but as it is organic you can generally reuse the spent leaves a couple of times as the essential oils are so potent).

Increase your intake of vitamin C rich foods on a dialy basis to prevent any further infection ie: citrus fruits, berries, leafy and green vegies, tomatoes and red and green peppers.

Loads of freshly squeezed juices are good too.

Ensure you are drinking plenty of pure filtered water to flush the germies out of your body .......... and keep you well hydrated ....... avoid caffeine containing beverages such as coffee, tea, soda and soft drinks, as these will only serve to dehydrate you and rob your body of essential B & C vitamins.

Ensure you are drinking or eating something with Beta - carotene in it daily to heal quicker and in future to prevent further colds, as Vitamin A will aid in the proper function of the immune system, shorten the duration of illnesses and generally bolster the health of the mucosal lining of your ear nose and throat ie: carrott juice, pumpkin soups, eggs, milk and dairy products.

Take a good quality multi B complex supplement on a daily basis both now while you're sick and for future prevention methods. The B complex of vitamins is essential for healthy immune, digestive and neural functioning and will help your body deal with the extra stress of being ill.

happy holidays

Good luck


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