Aphrodisiac list them please?!

Question: organic please
and don't ever suggest Viagra

Answers: organic please
and don't ever suggest Viagra

* Chocolate - its Latin name means "food of the gods" - packs a passion punch in a small package.
* Nutritionwise, it's chock-full of potassium and magnesium and contains heart-healthy flavonoids.
* --Theobromine, a central nervous system stimulant that facilitates muscular exertion, acts as a diuretic and stimulates appetite.
* An average-size chocolate bar contains approximately 6 mg of caffeine, compared to 100 to 150 mg in a cup of coffee.
* --Phenylethylamine, the chemical released in our bodies when we fall in love that is chemically similar to amphetamines, therefore acting as a psycho-stimulant. --Tryptophan, an essential amino acid that increases the production of serotonin, an antidepressant and natural stress-reducer.
* A decrease in serotonin levels in the brain might trigger cravings for starches, sweet foods and chocolate.
* --Endorphins, natural opiates released by the brain in increased amounts when eating chocolate, thereby elevating your mood and reducing perception of pain. --Phenols, also found in red wine, tea, fruits and vegetables, which might help reduce the risk of heart disease.
* -- Catechins, antioxidants that might help protect the body against cardiovascular disease and possibly cancer, found in substantially higher quantities in chocolate than in black tea.
* Chocolate has two ingredients that inhibit the natural breakdown of anandamide to keep you feeling better longer.
* -- Aniseed - used by Greeks and Romans.
* Suck on the seeds to increase desire.
* -- Almond - A traditional fertility symbol, the smell is thought to turn women on.
* -- Bananas - Full of nutrients that help production of sex hormones.
* -- Basil - a feel-good herb thought to improve libido and fertility.
* -- Celery - contains an arousing male hormone.
* -- Coriander - aka cilantro seed, an aphrodisiac that dates back 1,000 years.


Aphrodisiac scents such as jasmine and ylang ylang stimulate the pituitary gland to secrete endorphins, which relay feeligs of relaxation, bliss and expanded consciousness to our brains.

Some fragrances - including ylang ylang, rose, patchouli, sandalwood, jasmine, vanilla and musk - are both relaxing and stimulating. Althoug it might seem as if these effects would cancel each other out, they actually combine to produce a very enjoyable mood. Since stress and tension are strong deterrents to passion, the state of being completely relaxed yet stimulated offers the perfect combination for an aphrodisiac.

Any good health food store should be able to provide with organic pure essential oils of these varieties ...... :0)


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