What is the best tea to drink for chest congestion and to soothe the throat?!

Question: I have walking pneumonia and I've got meds I have to take, and they're helping, but when I was a kid, my Babka (grandma) used to make me this tea, and it helped clear my chest. If anyone knows, please help! Thanks so much!!!

Answers: I have walking pneumonia and I've got meds I have to take, and they're helping, but when I was a kid, my Babka (grandma) used to make me this tea, and it helped clear my chest. If anyone knows, please help! Thanks so much!!!

Here is an excellent decongestant tea: Mix 2 parts Mullein leaf, 1 part Lobelia, 2 parts Wild Cherry Bark, 1 part Licorice root, 1/2 part Ginger root. Simmer for 5 minutes, steep for 10 minutes, covered. Strain and drink 1/2 cup every 3 to 4 hours as needed.

Mullein and Elecampane are really good expectorants, if you have a dry, unproductive cough. The Elecampane tea is soothing to an irritated throat, too.

If your lungs are hurting, Pleurisy root is best. The Natchez Indians swore by it for pneumonia. It lowers fever, is antispasmodic, expectorant.

Check out the teas by Traditional Medicinals. Some of their cough and cold remedies will contain these herbs in a convenient tea bag blend.

My mother swore by a tea made out of the tips of spruce trees, but I have no idea where you'd find it here.

Actually, hot peppers can have the same effect. Eat a nice spicy lunch and see if that helps.

It isn't so much the type of tea as it is the temp. A really hot steaming cup will open up your air passages. Vs a warm cup that warms the stomach but that's about it. I make a brew of 5 spice powder a little lemon juice and a tablespoon or two of honey. Using the hottest boiling water i can. It opens up the airways and sinuses and sooths the throat.

i usually make a tea with boiling water poured over a tbls of honey and the juice of one freshly squeezed lemon. that should really really help you!

It was most likely Mullein tea - it has been used for respiratory illnesses through the generations. Add honey for an added benefit. You can find it at your health food store, or aonline at http://www.iherb.com (not affiliated). Health food stores are often out of it this time of the year. So, if you find some get a bit extra. Steep 5-8 minutes and add honey. Covered steeping is actually better with loose herbs and teas.

Mullein grows naturally in most of North America. You can collect and dry the leaves.

I'd recommend that you get some GrapeFRUIT seed extract and gargle with 10 drop diluted in 6 oz of water every 4-6 hours until you feel better. You are already on the meds, but he GSE will help speed things along. We use it instead of antibiotics here. It is good to have in your medicine cabinet.

Also, pineapple juice is very soothing to a sore throat -though it doesn't heal anything.

Hope you are feeling better soon.

Ginger Tea

Something with peppermint, or eucalyptus in it. They really help clear the passages. Also get some essential oils and breathe these two in.

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