I have a blocked ear is there any natural remedies i can use to clear it?!

Question: Depends which side of the drum is blocked. If it is the external ear due to way, almond oil is among the best solvents. If it is the inner ear blocked by catarrh, then steam inhalation with either menthol or orbis oil may help.

Answers: Depends which side of the drum is blocked. If it is the external ear due to way, almond oil is among the best solvents. If it is the inner ear blocked by catarrh, then steam inhalation with either menthol or orbis oil may help.

Few drops of Olive oil.

Vinegar/rubbing alcohol in the ear, sit on the couch and put a small amount in your ear. If that doesn't work you can get drops from rite aid or get your ear irrigated at your doctor.

Hold your nose and mouth and BLOW!

Few drops of warm olive oil

A little bit of warmed olive oil or mineral oil on a cotton bud should help.

yes, I would walk to the docs and get a nurse to syringe it for me.thats what most would naturely do. good luck,ISAID GOOOOOOD LUUUUUCK.! deaf sod.

Warm olive oil.
Hot bath and submerse your ear in the water.
Black and Decka Drill

go to your local surgery cos they only use a week of olive oil followed by a 'wash' in water. cant get more natural!

Warm olive oil. Heat it in the microwave, but be very careful not to make it too hot (it heats up very quickly). After putting in the oil with a dropper (you can buy dropper bottles from chemists), put a plug of cotton wool in your ear to keep the oil in, and to soak it up when you eventually tip your head to one side to let the oil out again. Do that when you feel the blockage has cleared.

There are two natural and easy ways to unblock ears. it also helps in removing any pain or infection within the ears. the first natural remedy is, to get a spoon of olive oil and gently heat it till its lukewarm - not too hot! after this, get a small piece of cotton wool and soak all the olive oil into it. tilt your head and squeeze the cotton wool till about 3 - 4 drops go in. you can lie down keeping that ear up so that the warm oil reaches in to the ear and removes any blockage by softening the earwax. apply this method to both ears if necessary.

the second natural way to remove any pains or ear blockage, is to get a small bowl (cylinder) and fill it with hot water (not boiling!). place a thin towel over it and place your ear over onto the towl cloth. the heat should help soften the ear wax and the earwax will come out.

Good luck with everything!

Hydrogen peroxide (avaibale from pharmacies), a few drops in the ear & let it "fizz" for a few minutes, it'll clear ear wax quickly.

Well I use warm olive oil then put a piece of cotton wool ripped of the standard size in and dont shove it in to far or else youll have to go to the doctors! Another thing that works for me is yawning, driving for a long time the seaside or sucking a boiled sweet. You can also get your shower head (the bit that sprays out water) find a bit that shot out water and but your ear in its way. in your chemist you can get these sprays that liquifys your earwax and it comes out like water.
Hope this helps hun!

Warm olive oil held in with cotton wool for 10mins (olive oil you cook with)

an ear candle will clear any excess in your ear. Then equal parts apple cider vinager & rubbing alcohol will kill any pathogen in your ear (vinager) & the alcohol will soothe your ear.

ear coning also known as Hopi ear candling works a treat. the updraft from the burning candle creates suction that draws out any nasties. might need two sessions but you'll feel great afterwards. best of luck.

Go see your doctor and he'll flush it out with a lot of warm water.
I had to do this several times many years ago due to ear wax buildup.

Since then I found that I wasn't taking enough EFAs and now I have no problems with my ear wax.

I have use both the ear candles and the ear cones, both work great.

The difference is the shape and the drawing power. Both are hollow. The Candles are stait than go to a point very fast at the tip with a very small hole at the tip. Cones expand gradually from about the size of a pea at the tip (goes in the ear), to about the size of a marble at the other end. The candle has more suction, but the tiny hole makes it hard to get chunks in. I have made the hole larger by stretching the hole with a pin or the tip of the sissers inserted in the hole than gently rotated outward until the hole is a little bigger. I have also snipped off the tip making the hole bigger, but you have to be careful that you don't cut or stretch to much as that will lessen the suction, as it pulles air from out side the ear canal (increase suction with clay to block air flow around outside of the candle flowing into ear canal).

They can be purchased at most health food stores or you can make one by rolling a newspaper into a cone, inside hole (hollow) about the size of a pencil, insert into earand burn.

I have done ear candle many time, but I have never tryed the newspaper idea, but I read an article that said it has been used for a hundred years. It is done standing, but the candle and cones are done laying on your side.

Make sure you have someone with you when you do anything with fire as you can't see the side of your head or if the ash is going to fall down (needing to be trimmed). Have a bowl of cold water to put the trimmed candle ash, matches, and end of the candle out when done.

When done you can open the candle when cooled and see what wax you got out (this is only part as you will hear sizzling and popping as the wax burns). If you stop hearing anything or if you feel burning at the opening of the ear canal you may have a blocked candle or wax at the opening of the ear, that hasn't soften enough to enter the small hole of the candle.

I have gotten wax from both sides of the eardrum and gotten lots of white or yellow powder that is infection &/or candida.

After using the candles I use olive oil to cool and soothe the ear canal. The heat from the can cause an accumulative burn in the ear canal, so they recommend doing no more that two at a time and waiting 2 months, before doing it again.

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