Has anyone bought the book "Treasury of Health Secrets"? Was it worth it?!

Question: Or just all hype? I am sceptical about books that complain that drug companies are keeping "cures" for ailments secret...all the while they never tell what the secret "cure" is in the infomercial...

Answers: Or just all hype? I am sceptical about books that complain that drug companies are keeping "cures" for ailments secret...all the while they never tell what the secret "cure" is in the infomercial...

It's probably not worth wasting your money on and in a year you can learn more here on Y/A that is probably more truthful... I stupidly bought into that Kevin Trudeau nonsense first book - waste of money - it told me a few things - but they were exaggerated - like coconut oil will instantly make you lose ten pounds - sorry not true tried it - only diet and exercise do that not phony books. Most of the info will be stuff you probably have heard or overinflated claims no one has proven... there are good vitamin and herb books out there - check them out at your library and ask your librarian(s) if they know of a good one, and when you find a keeper only buy it then. Only check it out at the library first - don't waste twenty or thirty dollars on something you'll never read or just toss in a bin of junk, like where I live there's a library downstairs to donate to in the building -- that Kevin Trudeau book would just collect dust after anybody reads through it for ten or fifteen minutes and realizes there's really nothing in it... good luck - check out your library P.S. I know the book is not by Kevin Trudeau but it is being hawked on TV just like his three books - two of them basically useless health books - were sold to the public who eagerly bought them up and read them and just really made the author rich and there was so little of value in it...It's just a warning of buyer beware because I'm sure this book is quite similar as it's being hawked the same way - and being bought up by people who aren't reading it beforehand -$40 plus dollars is a lot of money to waste on a book you can check out at the library for free and find out if it's worth it... buy yourself a new blouse or something with the money if you find the book is a rip-off, if the library doesn't have it they can order it - whey waste money on books that might not be any good? I've learned my lesson on health books on TV - just thought I'd share my info with you....

From my own reading on health matters (over 15 years) I believe there is reasonable evidence of drug companies and medical scientists not being open to established effective 'natural' remedies or insisting on causes for disease which may be scientifically incorrect.

Nevertheless, even books proclaiming the vital 'truth' about disease origins or natural 'cures' still have a marketing angle to make money. They may ask quite a bit of money for these valuable 'secrets' and you're still left to weigh things up for yourself.

Note: Found website for the book you mentioned.

stay away from this crook...I am no fan of the FDA and he rightfully blasts them to shreds......but his natural cures are senseless and some are harmful and there is no good documentation to back him up. I bought a book and his guarantee to make a refund is a lie, I never got one after i returned the book.

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