What are good remedies for a sore throat ?!

Question: well i dont have one yet but i can feel it comming up. How do i prevent it from getting worst. i was told to take a couple shots of alcohol but i dont want to do that

Answers: well i dont have one yet but i can feel it comming up. How do i prevent it from getting worst. i was told to take a couple shots of alcohol but i dont want to do that

Grapefruit Seed Extract - liquid -10 drops in 6 oz of water. Gargle, you can swallow or not. You can buy it at your local health food store or online at http://www.iherb.com (not affiliated).

You can also take a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of apple juice. We do this if we feel like something is coming on and it works like a charm.

Mullein tea - sold at health food stores and iHerb - is great for respiratory illness.

CUT OUT refined sugars, they weaken the immune system. You can do Honey (especially in your tea) and turbinado, molasses or Stevia sparingly. No artificial sweeteners. Many times colds and flus are actually brought on by excess sugar intake - especially around Halloween and Christmas since they are traditional times to overdo.

Hope you beat it back before it gets you!

gargle warm salt water twice a day
as this will kill the bacteria and sooth the pain

no alcohol, warm juice instead! And give your voice a total rest for some days!!

gargle with warm salty water as often as you can and try to take some advil,motrin, or just ibuprofen for the pain and inflammation. you can also try some throat lozenges preferrably Sucrets drink lots of water and orange juice


Colloidal Silver

These are the things i do. I gargle with warm salt water, like 1 x ever hour or so. I also use cepacol lozengers and the one thing i swear by is Aspergum, it has aspirin in it and it really works for me. Also remember you can get a sore throat from not drinking enough water, so make sure you do this. Good luck.

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