Marijuana detoxification?!

Question: just wonder if there are any working marijuana detox kits, not for a drug test or anything, just because i feel ive been smoking for too long, and i need to quit, im looking for something that will help me clean it out of my system permanently unlike most drug test kits which just help you cover the problem

Answers: just wonder if there are any working marijuana detox kits, not for a drug test or anything, just because i feel ive been smoking for too long, and i need to quit, im looking for something that will help me clean it out of my system permanently unlike most drug test kits which just help you cover the problem

Congrats on making the change.

The first thing you should do is begin a total detox diet. Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and drink plenty of fresh water for the entire week. Become ONE with a salad (seriously)

During this time, start incorporating fiber (Metamucil). Do NOT eat meat during this time. The purpose is to flush all of the toxins and residue from your body. When you've completed that week, start incorporating lean meats back into your diet slowly.

I wish I knew.

A detox kit won't help. You have to want to quit, and join a group. Sounds like your trying to hide something. Nice try

just stop smokin it and within 6 months it will have no traces in your system what so ever,good luck with it.

yes...just go to our place and i will allow you to see the tools...

The only thing to do is to quit cold turkey and drink lots of water.
But also, if you mix water and cranberry juice, it detoxs your body.
Infact, if you research ANY 'detox diet' on google, it also helps with detoxing this.

if u dont need it for a drug test than why do u want to clear out ur system so say just drink a lot of water

I'm not sure if there is a way to "clean it out of your system permanently", but ask your doctor and ask at your local nutrition and health store for cleansing products which are designed to "Detox" your body. (Most regular doctors won't know a thing about those, but nutritionists will.)

Remember to cut your hair. Trace amounts have grown into it.

nope, thc hides in body fats. it'll be there for a while

if you need it out of your system quick, drink lots of water or a jar of pickle juice

Go to GNC!!!

There's no quick fix, honey. It takes time for it to really be out of your system. Some of the things that help are:
drink plenty of water, cranberry juice, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, Niacin pills (they are an over the counter pills in the vitamins section, but be careful with them-too much can hurt you and when you do take them, it feels like your whole body is on fire)

along with water, coffee/tea will work--as long as it's caffeinated. THC is stored in fat cells, and the caffeine helps to mobilize the fat, thereby allowing the stored THC to be excreted. EXERCISE, EXERCISE, EXERCISE! When you do cardio and sweat, the fat cells are mobilized by the dozens--allowing, once again, THC to be excreted. It also helps get your *** back in shape after sitting on the couch with the munchies :^) Cranberry juice works as a diuretic (makes you pee), but water is just as good, and there's way fewer calories/sugar in that than juice.

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