Help with migraines?!

Question: What are some meds that I can try to manage my migraines? I was on Topamax for a period of time, but then it stopped working. I was on Depakote also, but it made me feel sick. I'm willing to try anything almost.

I get Ketoralac injections when needed and sometimes take Perocet. But neither helps 100% of the time.

Is there anything that you would know about that could help me?

Thank you.

Answers: What are some meds that I can try to manage my migraines? I was on Topamax for a period of time, but then it stopped working. I was on Depakote also, but it made me feel sick. I'm willing to try anything almost.

I get Ketoralac injections when needed and sometimes take Perocet. But neither helps 100% of the time.

Is there anything that you would know about that could help me?

Thank you.

How many mg Topomax were you taking? Did you try increasing the dosage?

I'm on Topomax (have had to increase from 25 mg to 100) and when I get a breakthrough migraine, a shot of Toradol works like a charm. I have also taken the oral form of Toradol, it works pretty well, but the shot is much better and I have gotten NO side effects from it.

I also take Maxalt.

But prevention is really the key; do you know what triggers your migraines? Keep a journal of every time you get one...what you were doing, what you had eaten, how much sleep you got, etc. If you can avoid triggers (mine is too much sleep) that can be better than being on drugs all the time (like I am, lol).

Try head on. Its the stuff thats like chap stick that you rub on your head. Wal mart has it in the med department.

There are some natural routes you can try. I agree with the roll-on type of treatment (usually peppermint oil based) but this usually only works if you catch it in time - and god help you if y ou get it in your eye....

Natural options include using feverfew and magnesium: Take three to four caps of feverfew (60mg or better) a day - each time you take a feverfew, take one 125mg tablet of magnesium (up to 500mg/day).

feverfew has been used since the middle ages as a pain remedy and has some good clinical data behind it for relieving migraine pain and preventing future attacks. It takes about a week to become effective - when you notice that you haven't had a migraine in more than 30 days, you can reduce your dose to about 2 caps a day - still combine it with the magnesium. The magnesium is a natural muscle relaxant and pain reliever. It's great for cramps (anywhere in the body) as well as helping your body to absorb and use calcium more effectively.

Both of these natural health supplements are very inexpensive - feverfew between $10-14 for 90capsules and magnesium oxide between $7-10 for 90tablets. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain - and these are way cheaper than an Rx.

Good luck!

HOMEOPATHIC TREATMENT(s) FOR SINUSITIS / HEADACHES / MIGRAINES (Without any side effects or complications) :-


Right sided frontal sinusitis; discharge thick, yellowish; worse by cold,damp and exertion Penicillinum 30X or 200X, 6 hourly

Sinusitis after mastoid operation Helka lava 3X or 6X, 4 hourly

In acute or chronic sinusitis; catarrh with stringy discharge Kali Bich 30X 4 hourly

Tearing pain in head; from root of nose, extending to forehead with nausea; dryness of mucous passages Natrum Mur 30X, 4 hourly

Pain begins at the back of head and settles over the eyes; worse under a fan Silicea 1M, weekly (6 Doses)

Chronic cold with loss of smell and yellow green phlegm; better in cool, open air Pulsatilla 30X or 200X 4 hourly

Intercurrent remedy Bacillinum 200X or 1M fortnightly (3 Doses)

Complaints worse early morning; aversion to take bath Sulphur 200X weekly (3 Doses)


With constant nausea; clean tongue Ipecac 30X, 3 hourly

With severe throbbing and rush of blood towards head Belladonna 30X, 3 hourly

Due to over eating; stomach disorders; tongue thickly whitish coated; worse bathing specially after river bathing Antim Crud 30X or 200 4 hourly(3 Doses)

Due to exposure to dry, cold wind; sudden with anxiety Aconite Nap.30X or 200X, 1/2 hourly (3 Doses)

With watering of eyes and sensitiveness to bright light Euphrasia 30X, 3 hourly

Headache; better by bending backwards; due to nerve injury Hypericum 30X, 3 hourly

Headache with humming in ears; due to nervous weakness Kali Phos.6X or 30X, 3 hourly

Hammering headache; worse during menstrual cycle going in sun; school girls head ache, Natrum Mur.30X or 200X, 4 hourly

Headache starts from nape of neck and shift over to the head; patient desires to lie down quietly; better passing urine Gelsemium 30X or 200X, 3 hourly

Violent headache due to working under gas light; sun-stroke Glonoine 6X or 30X, 2 hourly

Bursting headache; worse by stooping and movements; excessive thirst and constipation Bryonia 30X or 200X, 3 hourly (6 Doses)

Nervous headache; after grief, disappointment; worse inhaling smoke Ignatia 200X or 1M, 3 hourly (3 Doses)

Headache; due to sinusitis, pressure and pain at the root of nose Kali Bich 30X, 4 hourly

Due to eating rich fatty food, loss of thirst, better in open cold air Pulsatilla 30X, 4 hourly

Due to eye strain; disturbances of accomodation of eye sight Ruta Grav 30X, 4 hourly

After taking alcoholic drinks; sedentary habits; chilly patient Nux Vomica 30X, 4 hourly

Sun haedcahe; aggravation from sun rise to sunset; from cardiac origin Kalmia Lat.30X or 200X, 6 hourly

Of school children; crushing headache, pressure on top of head Acid Phos 30, 4 hourly

Headache localised; at the nape of neck; worse by walking and noise Pneumococcin 200X, 10 min (3 Doses)

Frontal headache; neuralgic pain above and behind the right eye; heaviness of head. Better by rest, lying down and eating Penicillinum 30X or 200X, 10 min (3 Doses)

Headache worse early morning;empty gone sensation at 10 -11 A.M. Sulphur 200X or 1M, weekly (3 Doses)


From mental work; cold, uncovering head, pressure, sitting upright or sun-stroke Glonoinum 30X, 3 hourly

For nervous, gastric, bilious individuals. Migraine due to mental over exertion in teachers and students. Right sided, specially Sunday migraine, blurred vision, hemiopia; blindness; often burning pain in entire gastro-intestinal tract with violent acid vomiting at the height of attack; worse hot weather; spring and fall; better after vomiting or sufficient night sleep Iris v.200X or above, 10 min (3 Doses)

For irritable hypochondriacs of bad temper; cholerics, neuropathics; from abuse of alcohol, coffee, spices, tobacco, vexation and worry, mental over exertion, business worries, sexual excesses, sedentary habits, cold dry air and winds Nux Vomica 30X or 200X, 4 hourly

For pronounced vasomotor individuals (irritable and full of fear) during pre-climacteric and menopausal stage.Tired expression, head congestion, circumscribed red cheeks; pain above right eye, throbbing, stitching, rhythmic pain, often in every 8 days, early morning, beginning in nape, extending upwards, locating in the region of eye, rising and falling with the sun; sensation of heavy congestion Sanguinaria C 200X, 10 min (3 Doses)

For weak, fat and irritable patient; often apathetic, changing moods, strange changes of character (egocenteric), memory weak, due to disturbance during climacteric period, results of tobacco abuse. Person with shallow complexion, yellow saddle across the nose; pain located on left temple; throbbing, stitching pains Sepia 200X, 10 min (3 Doses)

For neuropathic persons, full of fear caused by noises, change of weather or worms; with face pale, located above left eye; specially left pupil (ciliary neuralgia); sharp, shooting, tearing, stitching, periodical pain from occiput to left eye; slowly rising in intensity with sun. Bile vomiting at the height of attack, slowly improving with setting sun. Feeling as if head were open along sagittal suture Spigelia 200X or 1M, 10 min (3 Doses)

Left sided; worse during and after sleep; before menstruation; heat; during menopause Lachesis 200X or 1M, 10 min (3 Doses)

Intercurrent remedy Bacillinum 200X or 1M, fortnightly (3 Doses) .

Take the remedy which is similar to your symptoms.
No side effects or complications if taken as directed, please do not exceed the given dosage and under any circumstances do not try to mix any remedies and avoid Chocolates, Mints, Coffee, Red Meat, Alcoholic and Carbonated drinks, Spicy Rich Food while taking any Homeopathic remedies, and keep the medicines away from direct sunlight, heat strong smells and perfumes and do not store them in the fridge.
Curing without any side effects or Complications Thats the Beauty of Homeopathic Medicine .

Take Care and God Bless you !

I am really sorry that you have such difficulty with your migranses. They are the worst feeling in the world! After being in an accident, I began recieving them. I tried several types of medecine but they only worked for about an hour and it was back. The ONLY thing that has helped me is my chiropractor. I complined to him and he just poped my neck and they were gone! After about three months they returned and I just went in for another adjustment.

He explained to me that in my situation ( I was in a serious car accident) that all my vertabres were pressing on eachother from the impact of the cars. This could be the ame thing that is causing yours or not but I still says call a chiropractor! Goodluck

there's a natural remedy for migraines called Butterbur (herb), Clinical trials of this herb revealed how migraine sufferers who took 50mg of standardised extract, twice daily, reduced the number of migraine days by 62% over a six-month period.
Nutritionists claim that food triggers are responsible for 90% of all cases of migraines - and the substance causing the problem is amine, which is found not only in chocolate but also in yeast, citrus fruits, nuts, dairy products, and red wine.

please see link for more details

Smoke some reefer, always gets rid of my headaches, its all natural and it wont give you side affects like all that stuff your injecting yourself with, which isnt working anyways...

If you'r interested in a homeopathic approach pure organic noni juice can reduce pain, It doesn't taste very good, but just two ounces twice a day should help and you can dilute it in orange juice. I like to watch Your Health with Dr Richard and Cindy Becker. They offer a natural approach that you can apply along with your meds. I'm putting a link to their website up see if it airs where you are. Also it's usually on locally owned religous stations, but they don't get preachy or talk about religon so if that kind of thing puts you off don't worry.

If your looking for a natural way to help with your migrains or headaches, theres a slight chance they might be caused by water or protein defficiency.

Have a spoonful of peanut/almond butter and a glass of water. This gets rid of my headaches.

Good luck.

Magnesium helps.

You can find further information in a search for migraines + magnesium.

I have suffered with migraines for the past 20 years since i was 10. I take "Feverfew" tablets daily. It takes a couple of weeks for them to really get into your system though. They help cut the length that they last. On top of that i take 3 double strength Aspro Clear as soon as i feel one coming on. I don't take any-other type of drugs for mine as i don't believe in popping pills etc for every little thing. I've learnt to live with mine even though they will have me in bed for a few days at a time, which is hard when you have a young child with a disability. Sorry but there is no quick fix to them unless you have an operation if they are bad enough that the doc agrees. you can do a google search for it, i can't remember what the name of the op is. They use that as a last resort though. Go and see a alternative professional to see what they recommend. Have you seen a chiropractor as your neck/shoulders/back could be out of alignment which will cause migraines/headaches. I see one every 2 months to make sure mine is still in alignment if not they fix it up for another couple of months. Hope that you find some-thing that works for you. everybody is different.

I took Topamax for awhile for prevention but suffered side effects ( so I quit taking it.) Now I take Axert at the onset of a migraine and it helps tremendously!

The herb Feverfew is the best treatment and preventive for migraines. Take as directed on the bottle.

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