Does Red Bull really contain bull urine?!

Question: i heard that Taurine (an ingredient in red bull) is also in a bull's urine.. is this true?!

Answers: i heard that Taurine (an ingredient in red bull) is also in a bull's urine.. is this true?!

LOL yes it does! don't drink it.


Uh no! your joking right? You cant be that gull-a-BULL!

No. Somebody is messing with you! And even if it is in bull's urine, that doesn't mean bull urine itself is an ingredient in Red Bull!

c'mon now my goodness they can't market bull urine and not tell you that's exactly what it is in the product.

lmaooo whoever told you that.. i wanna meet them XD

Oh dear! No, it isn't! :)

P.S. Gullible has been omitted from the dictionary! :O

No, that would not be a legal ingredient to sell in a food or drink product. Taurine is an organic acid found in the intestines of a bull, so I doubt it's even in Red Bull.

no it does not i heard that to but it is not true

Putting bull urine in a drink would probably be against some kind of health code. or regulation.

i wudnt be surrprised.


Taurus = bull
-rine = urine

Sure sounds like it to me! :)

hey thats emy dawn. we share birthdays.

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