De-tox program?!

Question: Any suggestions on a good and safe de-tox program for general health and well being? I am looking to rid my body of toxins before going on an all natural foods diet.

Answers: Any suggestions on a good and safe de-tox program for general health and well being? I am looking to rid my body of toxins before going on an all natural foods diet.

You don't have to detox before you go on an all natural diet. The diet itself will help lighten the load of your body. It is never too early to start a healthy diet. A couple of detoxes I recommend are The Ultimate Cleanse, follow instructions carefully and do increase too quickly. The psyllium can be rather harsh if you try to rush (it is a natural laxative). The other is Garden of Life's cleanse - don't have a box right here, so can't remember the name.

A few other things you can do is add flax seed to your diet - after the cleanses. Buy whole, organic seed, and grind it yourself daily with a coffee grinder. Take about a tablespoon a day. It has so many good things for you in it - plant estrogens, omega 3s, fiber, and more. It tastes nutty. You can put in in shakes, sprinkle it on your breakfast cereal, add it to granola, put it in muffins. The fiber will help keep the system moving and cleansing.

Also, drink plenty of water. Enough water will help keep your system cleaning like it should. Great book to add to your library - Your Body's Many Cries for Water

You can also add milk thistle to your bedtime routine when you stop the detox. The detoxes both probably have milk thistle in them. It is a liver support, and very helpful to keep the liver cleaning like it should. I take 700mg a night before bed, and have noticed much improvement since doing so.

There is also a lot to the teaspoon o f apple cider vinegar a day. It is very beneficial to keeping your system running right and well. See Dr. Patrick Quillin's "Honey, Garlic and Vinegar" book for more info on it.

Best health to you!

Plenty of water. Cranberrys, blueberries. Hot water and a drop of lemon juice. Just a few of what I know.
Also excercise and massage cause erythema (redness to the skin) where the blood vessels enlarge causing blood to rush to the surface bringing toxins and nutrients to the skin. ;D

Fasting. Plenty of water.

Drink plenty of water, and try aloe vera juice. It will help remove toxins from your system (including drugs). It doesn't taste good, but it's very good for you. As an alternative, if you can stomach the taste, you can get aloe vera in capsules.

Most health food stores have a variety of herbal detox/cleansing teas. Dong quai is good if you're a woman.

Apple cider is a good cleanse good too, not store bought cider, but freshly juiced apples. Use about four apples, five times a day. Two to three days is plenty. You can also take herb teas while cleansing.

Best of luck.

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