What happens when someone drinks too much Prune Juice?!

Question: What are some experences have you had with prune juice?
How much do think is too much prune juice?
If I took too much prune juice could i have a accident?
Can someone become addicted to prune juice?

Experenced people only.

What are some stories have you had?
How long does prune juice take to get the maximum affect?
What are some suggestions with prune juice?
Does it work better if it is gotten from concentraitation?

Answers: What are some experences have you had with prune juice?
How much do think is too much prune juice?
If I took too much prune juice could i have a accident?
Can someone become addicted to prune juice?

Experenced people only.

What are some stories have you had?
How long does prune juice take to get the maximum affect?
What are some suggestions with prune juice?
Does it work better if it is gotten from concentraitation?

wow! i drank two cups one time because its really healthy.. wow i don't plan on drinking two cups on any school week anytime soon!!! later that morning during my 2nd class i had to rush out of the room because i felt gassy and i felt that i was gonna burst. oh my gosh! it was horrible i felt like i spent more then 30 mins in the bathroom, and that was in 6th grade! and since then i still haven't drank prune juice because of that.

They get the runs.

you start to poop a lot

#2 all night long

i actually wet the bed before when i was younger when i had too much prune juice..:)

u turn purple


i haven't had experience but i heard it makes you go to the bathroom alot

i used to love prune juice when i was a kid. i would usually drink enough to fill a juice glass and i would be fine.

Too much = POOP

you poop.- ALOTT!



You might need to sit on the loo every second of that day.

total destruction at night

you poop a lot.

bad things....bad things

You start getting obsessed with prune juice to the point where you start asking maniacal questions about it on Yahoo Answers.

Too much has a laxative effect, usually, in my case. I dilute mine with water - 2 parts juice, 1 part water to cut the sugar.

You really don't need more than one or two glasses day, 6-8 oz.

First your skin turns brown, and then you get all wrinkly. Then you lose alot of weight (if you know what I mean).

they sh!t alot

OH S.....

prune jusic IS a laxative along with many other foods, but it does not make you lose control of your bowels, it just loosens them. my younger brother has a hernia and often needs laxatives to help him control his bowel movements. Drinking other fluids such as water or milk products, will speed up the process, but unless you eat other foods that have a high concentration of fibre, you shouldnt have any issues with accidents, or anything except softening your stool for that matter.

Well, they will be crapping a lot. They will be healthy! Right?

it makes you poop ........nah actually prune juice contains lots of acid that makes someone fart a lot

I've never OD'd on prune juice, in fact it seems to take a lot for it to work. I prefer Quick Fibre (by Quick Cleanse)for natural overnight/daily regularity or relief....

I've tried plum juice daily for a week (one glass per day) but it really didn't have any effect for me...

Warm prune juice will make you squeeze the Chamin if you know what I mean!!

I live in Silicon Valley in California. Most people are familiar with this name. What they don't know is long before all the electronic companies showed up here this valley was very fertile just full of fruit orchards. That's how people made their living from around 1850-1950. The biggest seller was prunes over anything else. They shipped prunes all over the world. The recipe books were full of various ways to cook or eat prunes. Every night all the farmers would sit down to one of the good prune recipes after dinner. It was truly a delicacy. I think after ones body gets use to eating prunes it makes a person very regular. It's very good for the body. At the beginning I wouldn't drink more than a glass to start off with. Eating the prunes itself would be better because of the fiber you're putting in your body. As your body adjusts to the prunes or juice, then you can slowly increase to suit your taste. The one drawback to drinking too much juice is the increased sugar content and the fact you may have to use the restroom. It's much better to flush out your system than remain constipated. Seek out some recipes from the Internet, cook books or your local library. You may find you really like them especially when prepared properly.

I give it to my daughter to help her poop.

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