
Question: I have a headache, but is there anything that will get rid of it that isn't tablets?

Answers: I have a headache, but is there anything that will get rid of it that isn't tablets?

go in an room to your self where it is very quiet at drink some water or gaterade .
also you can try rubbing your timpols
hope you feel beter

Water and sleep. Hope you feel better! Plus try a cool damp flannel on your forehead whilst listening to soothing music.

You need to find out why you are having headaches first. Headaches could be a sign of various things and you need to get to the bottom of it. You could be dehydrated or have high blood pressure. If you are overweight, loose the weight and do some exercises. Get a book on nutrition and adjust your lifestyle.

Neck massage is good. Sex is better.

No, really!

Go for a walk

Either a sleep or a walk in the fresh air. Drink some water.

I'm a great believer in the benefits of fresh air and exercise, but since it's raining and the temperature outside is dropping I'd go for the cold compress and subdued lighting option instead.

Lie down. Lying down and closing your eyes for half an hour or more may be one of the best treatments for a bad headache. For some types of headaches, such as migraines, sleep is the only thing that seems to interrupt the pain cycle. Recognizing the early signs of a headache can keep the pain from getting out of control, since doctors say the sooner you get to bed or lie on a sofa, the sooner a headache will fade.

Don't let the sun shine in. Especially if your symptoms resemble those of a migraine (such as severe pain on one side of the head, nausea, blurred vision, and extreme sensitivity to light), resting in a darkened room may alleviate the pain, experts agree. Bright light may also cause headaches. Even staring at a glowing computer screen may be enough to trigger pain on the brain. Wearing tinted glasses or using other means to filter bright light and minimize glare may help prevent headaches.

Use a cold compress. A washcloth dipped in ice-cold water and placed over the eyes or an ice pack placed on the site of the pain are other good ways of relieving a headache. You might also see if your pharmacy sells special ice packs that surround the whole head (known as "headache hats") or frozen gel-packs that can be inserted into pillows. Whatever you use, keep in mind that speed is critical: Using ice as soon as possible after the onset of the headache will relieve the pain within 20 minutes for most people.

Try heat. If ice feels uncomfortable to you, or if it doesn't help your headache, try placing a warm washcloth over your eyes or on the site of the pain. Leave the compress on for half an hour, rewarming it as necessary.

Think pleasant thoughts. Many headaches are brought on or worsened by stress and tension. Learning to handle life's difficulties by tuning out unpleasant thoughts may keep the volume down on a bad headache. When you feel your body shifting into crisis mode after you have a serious disagreement with a spouse or coworker, for example -- force yourself to think pleasant thoughts. Relaxing your mind will help you figure out a way to resolve the problem, which can help ward off headache-causing tension.

? 2007 Publications International, Ltd.
Monitoring your body tension can
help stop a headache before it starts.

Check for tension. Along with the preceding tip, stop periodically during the day and check your body for tension. Are you clenching your jaw or wrinkling your brow? Are your hands balled-up into fists? If you discover these signs of tension, stop, relax, and take a deep breath or two (don't go beyond a couple of deep breaths, though, otherwise you may begin to hyperventilate). Occasional body checks like this could nip a headache in the bud.

Quit smoking. Smoking may bring on or worsen a headache, especially if you suffer from cluster headaches -- extremely painful headaches that last from 5 to 20 minutes and come in groups.

Don't drink. Drinking more alcohol than you're used to often causes a notorious morning-after effect -- a pounding headache. But even a single serving of some alcoholic beverages can trigger headaches, including the migraine and cluster varieties, in certain people. For example, dark alcoholic beverages such as red wines, sherry, brandy, scotch, vermouth, and beer contain large amounts of tyramine, an amino acid that can spark headaches in people who are sensitive to it. And some people appear to be sensitive to the histamine in beer and wine. So if you're struggling with headaches, abstaining may be your best choice.

Start a program of regular exercise. Regular exercise helps release the physical and emotional tension that may lead to headaches. Walking, jogging, and other aerobic activities help boost the body's production of endorphins (natural pain-relieving substances).

Cut down on caffeine. The same chemical in coffee and tea that perks you up in the morning can also make your muscles tense and send your anxiety level through the roof. Consuming too much caffeine can also cause insomnia, which can trigger headaches. Another problem is that many people drink several cups of coffee a day during their work week but cut their consumption on Saturdays and Sundays. This pattern can lead to weekend caffeine-withdrawal headaches.

If caffeine is giving you a headache, wean yourself off the stimulating stuff by cutting your intake slowly. Start by eliminating the equivalent of one-half cup coffee per week until you are only drinking one cup of caffeinated coffee (or its equivalent) per day. One five-ounce cup of drip coffee contains about 150 milligrams of caffeine. A five-ounce cup of tea brewed for three to five minutes may contain 20 to 50 milligrams of caffeine. And cola drinks contain about 35 to 45 milligrams of caffeine per 12-ounce serving. Look out for stealth sources of caffeine, too, particularly in the OTC drugs in your medicine cabinet.

try a chiropractor. you may have pinched nerves causing tension within your skull...I've gone to one for many things and it turns out to be that my spine was out of alignment....

My wife says an enema often helps her headache.

well yes, a few things... strawberries will, they have the active ingredient that they make tylenol with in them... boil some apple cider vinegar in a pot with some water and put a towel on ur head and breathe in the vapors... go to a health store and get stuff called "GDU", or "natural pain relief"..... or take and run ur wrists in hot water as hot as you can stand... or do some pressure points, like take ur left hand and press on the skin thats between the right pointer and thumb....
thats all that comes to mind right now sorry...

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