I have a bladder infection(home cures)?!

Question: i have a bladder infection....i dont want to eat antibiotics because in the end they all leave sidafects. please help me find home remedies to cure my bladder infection so far i have drank vinegar and feel like i need to throw up, and have drank tons of water. please help me find a cure.=)

Answers: i have a bladder infection....i dont want to eat antibiotics because in the end they all leave sidafects. please help me find home remedies to cure my bladder infection so far i have drank vinegar and feel like i need to throw up, and have drank tons of water. please help me find a cure.=)

Okay, what always works for me (and I get a LOT of bladder infections!) is one of these tips:

1-- drink hot water with a ton of lemon juice in it. The acid in the lemon juice helps kill bacteria... and it doesn't taste half bad, either!

2-- drink TONS (like 2 litres a day) of cranberry juice. It HAS TO BE 100% cranberry juice, NOT concentrate or juice blend or anything. And it has to be the RED cranberry juice, not white cranberry juice. Drink as much of the stuff as you can handle.

If you find your back is hurting (lower back above the hips), you feel dehydrated (headache, etc), you get a fever, or you don't feel better, so to the doctor and take whatever they give you for it. A bladder infection can turn into a kidney infection really quick, and they are NO fun. If you start to pee and it it's AT ALL blood tinged GO TO EMERG.

Hope you feel better!

According to professional aromatherapy charts, you can use aniseed, cajeput, cedarwood, ginger, juniper berry, pine, sage and sandalwood essential oils. Blend them and add them to water in a sitz bath. Hope that helps :)

The best preventative medicine is cranberry juice. I don't know about a cure though.

A couple of suggestions:
There are some great cranberry supplements out there in natural food stores. Look for ones that have herbs in them like marshmallow, slippery elm, mullein Just a few although there are other great herbs too.
Also watch what you are drinking Avoid sugary drinks and caffeine
You could also add a good probiotic it wouldn't hurt. Once again go to a natural store -they generally have better products than big box stores.

Drink plenty of fluids to flush out the kidneys and bladder. I recommend Lemon & Barley water.(Warning) please dont let it go on too long. If this does not help seek a doctors help

Colloidal silver - swish it in your mouth, gargle with it, hold it in your mouth so it goes directly into the bloodstream from the mucus membranes. Drinking it is good, too, but it will react with stomach acid, etc, so hold it in your mouth a while before swallowing.

Get a colloidal silver generator and make your own, too, because the amounts you want to use are going to cost a fortune if you buy it in little dropper bottles in the health food store.

You need to use a lot. I use it for colds and it is great for a sore throat, and I've heard of people using it for bladder infections, but I have not personally used it for those because I don't get them.

You also should drink a lot of good water, eat whole foods, not processed foods.

Using non-toxic personal care products is also a good idea. Your body's immune system gets overloaded with toxins and infections can result from this, as well as not having your partner clean himself before having sex, also urinate after sex to clear bacteria from the urethra.

sodium bicarbonate in tablet form is very helpful.


i havent tried those but i recently had a bladder infection that spread to a mild kidney infection and just be aware of any back pain and go to the doc asap...as far as antibiotics if you have to take them(i did) take acidolphilus after you finish the regimen (found in yogurt) or go to the health food store and they can give you a good one so it can replace the good bacteria in your gi tract.

if you take a bath and just sit in warm water no soap at all itll help relieve pain and drink lots of water to flush it all out, itll hurt but wont last as long.

feel better soon and stay hydrated =)

Drink gallons of Cranberry Juice. If you don't take care of it, the bacteria will travel to your kidneys and you will end up getting a kidney infection.
Good luck

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