What causes deep vertical ridges in the nails?!

Question: Also, most nails have no moon.

Answers: Also, most nails have no moon.


horizontal ridges mean a lack of calcium, magnesium and zinc.
Take half as much magnesium as calcium.
Ex. 250 mg magnesium and 500 mg calcium.

i get those
it's a lack of calcium!
eat more fruits and veggies!

biting them

Eating celery.

Vertical ridges aren't a health concern as they become more numerous with age. It's common.

I have the same thing.
It's a low level of calcium/magnesium, take a supplement

if their white then it's a form of matalic poisoning... wait how does vertical go again... opps.... never mind

I have that aswell. Thanks for clearing this up.

it's your body's way of telling you that you have calcium deficiency. eat lots of fruit and vegetables and don't forget to take some vitamins too.

I used to have them, my doctor told me that it was a lack of calcium so I started drinking lots of orange juice and the problem lessened. Also, if you mean the white at the end of your nails when you mentioned moons, that all depends on if you bite your nails or not.

It helps to keep polish on them, keeps you from chewing them. Also if you get some of those base coats that help with the health of your nails that is good to use on them and cover them with a clear top coat. And remember polish doesn't mean it has to be colorful, clear polish works just as well if you don't like the flash.

I was once a cosmetologist and worked on nails and a lot of people don't have moons or have moons only on a nail or two of their hands so don't worry about that.

When I was in cosmetology school I was told that the deep ridges were caused by poor blood circulation, but I have found over the years that although that "may" be the case, I found out that it's caused by lack of certain minerals.

I didn't have it in my kit or while in the shop at the time but I do know that in the 1940's there used to be a white leather buffer that you would dunk in pumice to rub over the nail to make it smooth prior to putting on nail polish. I don't know that they still do that, but I've seen "nail fillers" being sold in the nail polish area as well as fake nails (which, of course would give you smooth nails for fancy occasions and you can buy them already painted and use "stickums" on them to adhere to your nails).

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