Creases in the ear lobe?!

Question: My husband has creases in his ear lobes. His nails have deep vertical ridges and most nails don't have a moon. Any ideas?

Answers: My husband has creases in his ear lobes. His nails have deep vertical ridges and most nails don't have a moon. Any ideas?

I am not aware that creases in his earlobes are indicative of anything wrong.

How old is your hubby? The vertical ridges come with age and some people just don't have a moon on their nails at all.

However, if you look into ayruveda medicine, you can find vitamin and nutritional remedies in everything.

I do not practice ayurveda medicine but I have read about it and it may be what your husband needs.

deep vertical ridges= an imbalance in the nutritional side of the diet (signs of arthritis). shortage of digestible protein and fat and/or excess of salt and carbohydrate.

don't have moons= lack of protein or poor overall health.

==Need to improve diet = ).

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