Most effective way to gain weight?!

Question: if its muscle you want to gain which weighs more than fat lift weights . low reps high weight. eat complex carbs before work out , protein after carbs give you energy while you work out while your body needs protein to convert into muscle. try to get one gram of protein per pound that you weigh every day you may need the help off protein shakes to do this.

Answers: if its muscle you want to gain which weighs more than fat lift weights . low reps high weight. eat complex carbs before work out , protein after carbs give you energy while you work out while your body needs protein to convert into muscle. try to get one gram of protein per pound that you weigh every day you may need the help off protein shakes to do this.

donuts.........lots of donuts

Eat alot of carbs/fat/calories

Eat nothing but candy bars.

lots of food.

slow down your metabolism by eating less for a little while (less meals) then starting eating a lot more.

man, i wish i was trying to gain weight, oh yeah, and lots of pop!

eat a bunch of crap and sit around your house..... i hope your not a wrestler...

or smoke pot and get mad munchies

Wac Arnolds..

eat a big mac with a super sized fries and milk shake every day

eat lots of thing with salt and sugar.
potato chips, chocolates, sweets.

Carbs, pudding,breads, Pastas, POPTARTS, ice cream, cookies (raw cookie dough from the store)
Tollhouse or nestle ice cream cookie sandwichs-they are delicious but have 350 calories in one and high carb count as well as fat.

Increasing your intake of junk foods and greasy foods is not a good way to gain weight. Junk foods usually contain unhealthy trans fats or saturated fats. Even though you need to increase your calorie consumption to gain weight, those calories should come from foods that are good for you.
Healthy fats include omega-3 essential fatty acids sources like tuna, salmon, flax, and walnuts. Good sources of protein include lean meats, fish, poultry, nuts, seeds and legumes. Healthy carbohydrate sources include fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
It may be easier to eat five or six smaller balanced meals per day rather than eating three large meals, especially if you are not used to eating much at one sitting.
Protein powders and nutritional supplement drinks such as Ensure can be added as in-between meal snacks if you still need more calories. Some protein powders are flavored and only need added water and some others can be blended with your choice of juice or milk to improve the taste.
It would also be a healthy idea to add a small amount of flax seed oil and some psyllium powder to add some omega-3 essential fatty acids and extra fiber.
Exercise is also important for healthy weight gain. Resistance training exercises such as lifting weights will help to increase your muscle size. Aerobic exercises such as running and stationary bicycling are better for fat loss and excessive aerobic training may cause you to lose more weight. Resistance training can be done at a health club, gym or at home with the proper equipment.

Don't eat candy and be lazy-- that'll only give you need to eat more than you exercise
eating only fatty foots will not necessarily help you gain weight.
Oh, and be sure to keep eating a bit more when you feel full. that always helps give you that "full figure look" haha.

ice cream
fat foods
all junk food

There are lots of ways to gain weight, but you need to be careful of where you gain it at , so while you eat donuts and ice cream and all that other fun stuff, make sure you start a good exercise program to keep things where they should be and make sure you feel healthy too! Good Luck to you!

Eat lots of carbohydrates and sit around and do nothing. Your body will convert the unused carbs into fat because your body is not using them as energy. Simple carbs put on fat faster because the body can process them faster than complex carbs.

Eat simple carb foods such as -
Table sugar


Biscuits - plain







Boiled sweets

Mint Sweets



Soft drinks

Tinned fruits



Puddlings - some

sit on the sofa watch tv and eat as much as you can. unlees you want to gain weight as mussle you would need to lift light weight with high reps. that would give you more mussle and mussle weighs more than fat and you will gain weight and look good too.

Well, whatever you do; don't over eat or eat junk food! That will only shorten your life. I have to laugh when people brag about being a non smoker and then go feed their faces at McDonalds everyday. Whats the difference? If you want to gain weight, you should gain muscle and not fat. If you work out and eat right, you can still gain weight without all of the poison in your body. Eating too many foods such as bread, donuts, or anything containing yeast can cause you too feel bloated all the time. You are also at risk for yeast infections, jock itch, athletes's foot ect. You are what you eat!

I think you just made a lot of people jealous! haha

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