What are some home remedies to cure a hangover?!

Question: I'm hangin really bad. i have a bad head ache and blurry vision still. I need help asap!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Answers: I'm hangin really bad. i have a bad head ache and blurry vision still. I need help asap!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Homeopathic Remedies for a Hang-over and Alcoholoism :-


Head remedy for hang over Nux vomica 30 or 200, 1/2 hourly

Congestion of head after taking wine Silicea 200, 10 min (3 Doses)

Insatiable craving for liquor which patient hated earlier Medorrhinum 200 or 1M, weekly (6 Doses)


For bad effects of execessive use of alcohol; tremors, delirium and gastric complaints etc; irritable and nervous patient Nux vomica 30 or 200, 4 hourly

When patient can not digest even small quantity of food without taking alcohol Acid Sulph 30, 4 hourly

When patient becomes violent and talkative after prolonged use of alcohol Cannabis Indica 30 or 200, 4 hourly

For patients who drink in excess and have many fears in mind. Delirium tremens Opium 200 or 1M, 10 min (3 Doses)

Patient becomes intoxicated after consuming small quantity of alcoholic drinks; especially old bachelors Conium Mac 200, 6 hourly (6 Doses)

Usually constipated, stools hard; patient feels intoxicated with small quantity of alcoholic drinks Alumina 30, 4 hourly

For bad character who are wicked and jealous in nature and talk nonsense even before drinking Lachesis 30 or 200, 6 hourly

Delirium tremens constant loquacious Hyoscyamus 30 or 200, 10 min (3 Doses)

Delirium tremens inflammatory; rush of blood towards head Belladonna 30, 1/2 hourly

Delirium tremens maniacal; hallucination, illusions and fear of dark Stramonium 200 or 1M, 10 min (3 Doses)

Mental depression and tremors; tries to injure himself Cimicifuga 30 or 200, 1/2 hourly

ALCOHOLISM (To create Aversion) :-

To create aversion to alcoholic drinks, water causes coldness in the stomach; water must be mixed with liquors Acid Sulph 30, 4 hourly

For chronic drunkards with weak heart Stropanthus Q(Mother Tincture) 4 hourly, 10 drops

To take away craving for alcohol Quercus G-S Q(Mother Tincture) 4 hourly, 30-40 drops

To produce disgust for liquor Angelica Q(Mother Tincture) 4 hourly, 10 drops

Hereditary tendency (excessive desire) for alcoholic drinks Syphilinum 1M or 10M, weekly (12 Doses)

If Angelica Q(Mother Tincture) fails Camphor Q(Mother Tincture), (SOS) 4 hourly, 5 drops

Desire to take alcoholic drinks instead of water Arsenic Alb 30, (SOS), 3 hourly

For weak and nervous persons who are addicted to alcohol Avena Sat Q(Mother Tincture) 4 hourly,10 - 15 drops.

Take the remedy which is similar to your symptoms. No side effects or complications if taken as directed, please do not exceed the given dosage and under any circumstances do not try to mix any remedies and avoid Chocolates, Mints, Coffee, Red Meat, Alcoholic and Carbonated drinks, Spicy Rich Food while taking any Homeopathic remedies, and keep the medicines away from direct sunlight, heat strong smells and perfumes and do not store them in the fridge.
Curing without any side effects or Complications Thats the Beauty of Homeopathic Medicine (Cures Par Excellence)

Take Care and God Bless You !

I think I've heard that tomato juice helps...

REAL fruite juice - no added corn syrup or high fructose crap... Bannanas, eggs, potatos and red meat also help.

cut a lemon in half and rub the lemon under your arm pits.

if you've been hungover this badly, then, you probably need to eat and take some aspriin. stay away from tylenol it will damage your liver.

1) Drink light-colored alcohol (white wine instead of red; vodka instead of whiskey, etc).

2) Drink one glass of water with each alcoholic beverage

3) Eat fatty foods (such as nuts, avocado, red meat) while drinking

4) Before going to bed, drink at least 2 full glasses of water, and eat a banana or two

5) Do not drink tea, coffee, or soda the next day. Avoid greasy food. Do not take aspirin or other OTC pain relievers when drinking.

These tips should really help prevent a hangover.

You could try taking Po Chai pills (available at Chinese herb stores) to help with the digestive upset the day after drinking.

The hangover headache is caused by dehydration; your body is actually pulling water from your brain to help hydrate itself; drink lots of water (Gatorade, and other sports drinks can also be helpful to replenish lost electrolytes).

stop drinking

Think about the "morning after the night before" before you start drinking. Works for me.

Lots of water and Gatorade, nothing else...

tylenol, gatorade and that's about it lol
or a chaser tablet i guess therr not bad

Shall I tell you why you have a bad
hangover. that is your body saying,
"PLEASE don't ever do that to me again."

Pepsi will make you feel much better!

Believe it or not, drink water and take some ibuprofin.

Actually, one of the best ways to treat a hangover is to prevent it and one of the best ways to prevent it is to have a couple of glasses of water and an aspirin before going to bed after a night of drinking.

The major pain of a hangover is caused by dehydration so the water really helps with that.

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