What's the best hangover fix?!

Question: Drop two alkaseltzers into a glass of 7up, or sprite, or sierra mist, or any other brand of lemon lime soda. it'll fix you right up.

Answers: Drop two alkaseltzers into a glass of 7up, or sprite, or sierra mist, or any other brand of lemon lime soda. it'll fix you right up.


Sleeping and drinking a glass of raw eggs.

Drink light beer!

potassium helps get rid of hangovers


water, a headache pill and rest.

dont drink to the point of hangover

Simple, simply add the hypotenuse of the cosby postulate and inturn get your dioxi ribo neuclaic acid. Then you square this from pie and ask your local professor to kiss your pencil (tell him it's for science). Then take the dead carcass of a squirrel recently run over by a hummer no larger than 450 lb, preferably yellow (red is gay). Add this into an industrial beaker over high heat and watch. It'll take about 12 hours for the desired effect to occur. Don't keep you eye off it, believe me, all the paper work and the mutant zombies aren't worth it. If the color of the bubbling goo is green the answer is the number of passengers in said hummer. If product is yellow ingest immediately before the squirrel wakes up again.
-Mr. Wiggins

WATER, fruit, and exercise and sleep!

And you'll be good as new

asprin..water..and sleep

I find you can avoid it altogether if you stay awake and drink as much water as you can.

But if you wake up, again, plenty of water, and eat some carbs.

water and magnesium. and maybe some vitamin c and a

Water and aspirin.

8 Ounces of Sunny D
1 Can of Red bull
Mix contents together in a big cup
Heat it up and put a green tea bag in it.
Drink it up.

Really, the best hangover fix is more drinking, sad as it sounds...otherwise its just advil and time.
I suggest a bloody mary.

water and sleep, in that order. you will be dry from the boozes and the water will help you to pass it thu your system and flush your body faster.

Drink: Pedialyte

Actually made for children to rehydrate them when they are ill - excellent for hangover!!! Buy in the baby section at the grocery store. Best thing in the world I've ever found to help!!!!

dont drink...HeeHee..no for reals....drink a drink the next day...it helps but you need...AAA

Do your best to drink as much water as you can tolerate to rid your body of the toxins. It takes 2 hours to get rid of 1 oz of booze-either one beer or one shot. There is no real fix except time.

Hangovers are caused by dehydration and low blood-sugar levels. Water and sugar will do the job, in almost any form. It's best to have the cure before you go to bed, though.

Go to a Mexican restaurant or whoever you know that is Mexican and ask for a bowl of posole, this does wonders in the morning and clears you up. ;)

I drink several glasses of water during the "drinking", pop a multi-vitamin (vit B is the ones you're looking for) and a couple of aspirin before bed. I usually feel awesome the next morning. I used to have terrible hangovers-I quite drinking for a couple of years because of it until I discovered the method I mentioned. I swear by it 100% (it also works perfectly on my husband). Of all of them, the water is the most vital.

Pour cold water over them.

hair of the dog... meaning another drink... your body produces chemicals in the brain that over load and cause you to "hangover" when taking another drink the chemicals equal themselfs out...the only other thing is rest...water...food...

after you've finish drinking for the night n right before u go to sleep drink 2 aspirins or Tylenol or whatever and when you wake up drink 2 more

prevention, don't get drunk

dont drink too much

Don't drink beer and don't smoke weed.

The absolute best hangover fix is to not get drunk in the first place.

The only thing that will sober you up, or at least make you feel truly better, is time. Coffee and cold showers will make you a cold, wet, wide-awake drunk. That's all.

Don't get drunk in the first place.

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