Blood pressure trouble?!

Question: My blood pressure started increasing in June 2006 following the death of my wife. I don't have any family here and I live alone and I'm still on disability so I don't have work. I am hoping that I can move closer to my family but so far that hasn't happened yet. I know this is related to all the emotional pain I have inside me. I know that. I've increased my exercise a lot, I've been eating better, and it's still higher and increase of blood pressure meds hasn't helped me. The only time it went down any was during thanksgiving when I cried for the first time in 17 months. Being alone is very stressful for me. My dog died in August, and I was thinking of getting another dog but right now I dont' know if I am going to move or not so it doesn't make a lot of sense to get a dog or cat yet. right?
I'm open to ideas. My BP does tend to fluctuate depending on how much exercise I can get. I exercise frequently but I get less in the winter. I don't want to keep taking meds ....

Answers: My blood pressure started increasing in June 2006 following the death of my wife. I don't have any family here and I live alone and I'm still on disability so I don't have work. I am hoping that I can move closer to my family but so far that hasn't happened yet. I know this is related to all the emotional pain I have inside me. I know that. I've increased my exercise a lot, I've been eating better, and it's still higher and increase of blood pressure meds hasn't helped me. The only time it went down any was during thanksgiving when I cried for the first time in 17 months. Being alone is very stressful for me. My dog died in August, and I was thinking of getting another dog but right now I dont' know if I am going to move or not so it doesn't make a lot of sense to get a dog or cat yet. right?
I'm open to ideas. My BP does tend to fluctuate depending on how much exercise I can get. I exercise frequently but I get less in the winter. I don't want to keep taking meds ....

Do these breathing exercises(pranayam) everyday and your blood pressure will stay in control and you will feel much healthier generally.Build up your timing gradually.If you feel tired or dizzy, stop and resume later.Over the long term your medication will go down and may not be needed if you keep doing the pranayam and monitor the BP.
Anulom Vilom

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