Med and Bio Majors: Do antibiotics eliminate body odor?!

Question: I've been taking some Cipro to fight a sinus infection. I've noticed my armpits don't smell?!

Since armpit odor is caused by bacteria, could the antibiotics be involved? It seems unlikely since my armpit hairs are on the OUTSIDE of my body, but the correlation is certain; my 'pits are less smelly the last few days. Have any big, expensive med studies been done?

Also, if you're cute and in the San Diego area, send me an email and I'll let you check it out for yourself! Do it for science! :D

Answers: I've been taking some Cipro to fight a sinus infection. I've noticed my armpits don't smell?!

Since armpit odor is caused by bacteria, could the antibiotics be involved? It seems unlikely since my armpit hairs are on the OUTSIDE of my body, but the correlation is certain; my 'pits are less smelly the last few days. Have any big, expensive med studies been done?

Also, if you're cute and in the San Diego area, send me an email and I'll let you check it out for yourself! Do it for science! :D

I don't think it can. Body odor comes from the bacteria ON your skin mixing with your sweat. It can also come from special hormones that affect the glands in your armpits. So unless you apply this antibiotic onto your skin, or affects your sweat glands, then no it cannot eliminate body odor. Ciprofloxacin fights bacteria IN the body, not ON it...and you should know that those are two completely different environments.
No comment on the second part of your question.

It is possible that the Cipro has killed the bacteria that was causing your body odor.

no, but glad you dont stink anymore, im sure the ladies will be lining up to send ya their pics to your email address now. hurry ladies , get the best smelling armpit man in san diego....weirdo.

Very likely, Cipro can also kill off beneficial bacteria and cause yeast infections in various parts of the body (including under the arms).

Antibacterial body soap also helped underarm odor problems, but it was pulled because of the rise in staph infections caused by overuse of antibacterial agents that caused resistant strains to appear.

Yes if the causative agent is bacterial. The bad smell of the armpits mostly caused by bacteria, so antibiotics can treat it.
Cipro is one of strong and broad spectrum antibiotics which can overcome a lot of species of bacteria, so you found that unexpected result of your odor. But take care it is not good to use antibiotics without medical consultation, random use is harmful.

Instead you can use topical powders or ointment.

Best of all is regular cleaning with water and soap.

i never thought or have heard anything about that but yeah it definetly might be possible. cipro has pretty good tissue penetration so it should readily get into the skin and pores, and antibiotics are used for acne, contrary to what others are saying above they can and do effectively elminate surface bacteria....

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