Tunguska Blast? Is there something to it??!

Question: I just bought a bottle of Tunguska Blast from a friend, I have had severe hip and lower back pain... It might sound funny but I have taken T.B since Saturday 2 oz. a day (like it is recommended) . Now today there is no pain , I am sleeping better and feeling better. Has anyone had positive affects from T.B ??? Or is the juice just have something in it that my body needed. At this point I think it is wonderful. Any thing from anyone else???

Answers: I just bought a bottle of Tunguska Blast from a friend, I have had severe hip and lower back pain... It might sound funny but I have taken T.B since Saturday 2 oz. a day (like it is recommended) . Now today there is no pain , I am sleeping better and feeling better. Has anyone had positive affects from T.B ??? Or is the juice just have something in it that my body needed. At this point I think it is wonderful. Any thing from anyone else???

Oh heavens yes...

I have been diagnosed with 11 things in 3 years and been to 17 doctors...most didn't have a clue how to treat me. I started T Blast 2 months ago. The first day I was able to take a 3 hour nap - I haven't been able to sleep on my own in 3 years. My blood sugar normalized and I am off all my hormones. I am much nicer to be around. I have sooo much energy....it's unreal. I flew on a business trip and took the small bottles of T Blast...had no fatigue or jet lag at all! I could have easily flown several more legs. It also stopped my hot flashes COMPLETELY (which shocked me to death!) I also had foot pain pretty severely and it's gone...I can wear high heels again and can walk all over in them...it's just been simply dramatic for me. I don't really know why it works and I don't care. :) I am just glad it does...enjoy!

I get mine auto shipped now...

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