Has anyone read "More Natural Cures Revealed"?!

Question: I was watching an infocommerical and he said there we're specific cures in the book and i'm looking for the one for insominia.
does anyone know what it is?

Answers: I was watching an infocommerical and he said there we're specific cures in the book and i'm looking for the one for insominia.
does anyone know what it is?

I have both of Kevin Trudeau's books as well as many other books he has recommended and the information in those books has changed my life dramatically. I don't know why people get hung up on Trudeau's past, that was 20 years ago. The information, resources and products he has recommended are LIFE SAVING/CHANGING in a positive way. He traveled over 5 million miles all over the world seeking the best products, treatments and techniques on planet earth for curing as well as life enhancing. I personally have became my own doctor, literally, with what i know now I will never have a need to go to a doctor/hospital ever again. I literally have not been sick since reading Trudeau's first book, I feel so much better after cleansing and eating fresh organic foods, I don't feel bogged down and I can really think clearer, I feel tremendously great.

Critics of Keven Trudeau need to actually do true research, like talking to scientist and doctors all around the world and actually see people get cured extremely fast right before there eyes, rather then relying on biased studies and websites that are secretly funded by the drug companies. I think folks need to know that the AMA is mostly funded by the drug companies, so the doctors will only know how to do two things and thats surgery or push drugs, they will never know the massive power of internal cleansing, the sun, live organic foods, herbs and specialty supplements, oxygen therapy, DMSO therapy, energy healing, frequency healing, mind healing, on and on and on. The Drug companies even state that there only goal is to create ''manegable diseases'', they will never try to truly cure diseases, they have a legal obligation to there share holders to have increased continued use of drugs. It's all very interesting. People, please get informed.

Here is the products he recommends for insomnia.


Cal Mag

Melatonin Liquid Sublingual

Dr. Coldwell's stress reducing techniques

Full Spectrum Valerian Extract

Sleeping Earthed

If it isn't a physical problem, but a deep rooted subconscious problem then here is a site that gives powerful technique. You can download the free manual at the top of the page.

Also if there is strong Electromagnetic Radiation such as a plug in clock within a couple feet from your bed or an electrical outlet close to your head or a high power electrical system like your home electrical panel or power lines or a satellite dish or cell phone tower or a turned on cell phone close by. These artificial electric field can disrupt the brains ability to function normally/properly. You might need to get a EMR eliminator.

Happy Health

there is no cures in book.
All there is is blah blah about how you can get those magic cures on his website for additional mpnthly fees -an empty bullcrap.
If you want, I have three of those books - send you over just to rid my shelf.
Much better are old herbalist books you probably can buy at local antique books - less expensive.

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