I would like to perform a full body detox, how hard is it to do?!

Question: I've been reading online about doing an intestinal cleanse, are there any real benefits to this? I ran into this site: http://healthbeginsinthecolon.com/ and it basically covers why one would need a cleanse, but has anybody here actually performed this? I'd like to know. Thank you!

Answers: I've been reading online about doing an intestinal cleanse, are there any real benefits to this? I ran into this site: http://healthbeginsinthecolon.com/ and it basically covers why one would need a cleanse, but has anybody here actually performed this? I'd like to know. Thank you!

I have looked into allot of the products online (and there are allot), and tried a few myself (reluctantly), most of which tote that they will cleanse your system out in 2 weeks- 30 days. Most of these systems may make you feel some what cleansed, but it will surely take much longer to cleanse the body completely for the average person, especially if this is the first time you have ever cleansed. I used Oxy-Powder, a product that has great reviews with its users, and I have seen a safe approach, that made sense as it uses Oxygen to cleanse! I would suggest that you check out my page,


I have a journal of my cleansing there, and you will be able to see what I went through with this cleanse.

You will also be able to see my liver and gallbladder flush, as well as my parasite cleanse, and this should help you understand what you may expect.

LOL. A fool and his money.... Report It

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  • It's not hard per se.... it's just uncomfortable at first.

    You take the colon cleansing product, which is easy... unless you have a problem swallowing pills or don't like the taste of the powder, depending on the form.
    If you don't have much fiber in your diet, you may want to make sure you have the day after you start the detox free where you don't have to go anywhere. The reason is that if you go from a low fiber diet to a whole lot of fiber, you may be making several trips to the bathroom. Don't let that scare you, though... it calms down after the first day or so and it will help you to stay regular well after you're done with it.

    Aside from that, it's a piece of cake. ;-)

    I cleanse about two times a year and yes at first it is very uncomfortable but once you are used to it and have felt the health benefits you will make it apart of your life.
    besides the fact that it will help you lose weight, purify your blood, help your skin, energy ect it also helps get the toxins out of your body that you body normally holds in, like dye.
    The average American eats 4 pounds of dye a year, and that does not just leave your body.
    hope you find a detox routine that works for you.

    I just started one & love it! My stomach is flatter & I feel so much better. I use an herbal pill 3 pills a night before bed. Bowltrol. email me if you have any questions. My friend did the Lemonade cleansing.

    Yes, we use The Ultimate Cleanse. I do want to try Garden of Life's 10 day cleanse though, since TUC takes a while. It really is pretty easy if you follow the directions and make sure to keep your water intake up. I did notice a difference, my bowels had gotten a bit off, and it fixed that up. We then added enzymes and probiotics for maintenance. Has worked very well.

    Best health to you!

    Quackwatch has been thoroughly debunked by http://www.quackpotwatch.org I don't know why someone who has no experience, except a spam website, bothered to answer you, but you got some good answers from people who have done this successfully and do know about it. How anyone can think that in our toxic world, toxins don't get into the body and stay is beyond me.

    You may even want to consider toxins beyond the colon - like heavy metals. A great site to start learning more about that is http://www.noamalgam.com

    I've heard alot of people say Oxypowder worked really good. I haven't used it but people in my yahoo group talk about it.

    Cleansing your body can be either very difficult or very easy, depending on how you do it. I personally recommend a liver gallbladder cleanse. I have done two of these within the last six months and they're fairly simple, with great results!

    You can read more about Liver Gallbladder Cleanse's here:

    I have also done a few intestinal cleanse's. The first one I tried was a product called Colonix, which was good, but lasted 60 days!! I had to drink a fiber shake every morning and laxative tea pretty much every nite. (I later learned that the laxative tea has a few ingredients to be weary of)

    I have also used a product called Oxy-Powder which doesn't require fiber shakes or laxative teas. Because it is an oxygen colon cleanser. I would recommend that one, because it's quicker and more effective.

    I would start with one of those, and see how you do. Good luck!

    No I have not but I can give you a website that worked for me. I am more health than I have ever been and feel ten times better.


    cleansing is awesome. just adding fiber to the diet helps a lot. we grind our own flax seed. I've never tried what is at the site though. hope you find good answers.

    pay no attention to people who are guessing itcleansing doesn't work. . .truth is, it does. i love it have you ever tried a water fast weekly?

    If you take the time to go on a juice fast you will be allowing the digestive system to rest so it can focus its attention on rejuvenating the areas that need healing. Once you're done with juicing, your digestion will work better and your skin will take on a healthy glow.

    You can benefit from a one to two day fast of freshly squeezed juice, herbal tea, protein drinks, and pure distilled water.

    For more information on going on a full detox, visit:

    You need to find better sources for your health information - that site is just selling "detox" and is full of lies and misinformation.
    "Detox" is new-age nonsense. You do NOT need to "detox". Your liver and kidneys do all the "detoxing" that your body needs, and your colon is perfectly capable of "cleansing" itself. (It does NOT "build up gunk" as many gullible people believe.)

    "Colonic irrigation and the theory of autointoxication: a triumph of ignorance over science.

    Ernst E.

    Autointoxication is an ancient theory based on the belief that intestinal waste products can poison the body and are a major contributor to many, if not all, diseases. In the 19th century, it was the ruling doctrine of medicine and led "colonic quackery" in various guises. By the turn of the century, it had received some apparent backing from science. When it became clear that the scientific rationale was wrong and colonic irrigation was not merely useless but potentially dangerous, it was exposed as quackery and subsequently went into a decline. Today we are witnessing a resurgence of colonic irrigation based on little less than the old bogus claims and the impressive power of vested interests. Even today's experts on colonic irrigation can only provide theories and anecdotes in its support. It seems, therefore, that ignorance is celebrating a triumph over science.

    J Clin Gastroenterol. 1997 Jun;24(4):196-8

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