What's the best thing for my acid reflux from sugar?!

Question: 1st - no sugar. Actually, no refined sugars. Refined sugars are not processed properly and cause a host of ills from acid reflux to arthritic symptoms, to actual immune suppression. Don't do white sugar or high fructose corn syrup. Instead use turbinado (1 to 1 substitution for white sugar and has great flavor as well as some good nutrients). You can also do honey, molasses, and for a sugar substitute - Stevia, a super sweet plant derivative. We like liquid. 1 drop sweetens a whole cup of tea. It can also be used as a sugar substitute in cooking. My son-in-law has been making some awesome sugar free cookies with it. It is very stable when heated - unlike it artificial sweetener cousins - which you should also avoid.

#2 - add probiotics and enzymes to your daily routine. A good probiotic in the morning before breakfast, then enzymes with each meal. Get a comprehensive enzyme. I did this and it was the best thing for my acid reflux - which I no longer suffer from. It is also good for every other part of your health and well being!

#3 - make sure you are drinking plenty of water daily - read "Your Body's Many Cries for Water"

#4 - make sure you are getting plenty of fiber - Flax seed is great for this. Use the whole seed, and grind just what you intend to use so it is its freshest. We use 1 Tbsp daily with a glass of water or sprinkled on cereal. It has a great nutty flavor. WARNING: Flax comes with the caution to use only with sufficient amounts of water intake and not if you have intestinal blockage (other than . . .well you know).

Best health to you.

Answers: 1st - no sugar. Actually, no refined sugars. Refined sugars are not processed properly and cause a host of ills from acid reflux to arthritic symptoms, to actual immune suppression. Don't do white sugar or high fructose corn syrup. Instead use turbinado (1 to 1 substitution for white sugar and has great flavor as well as some good nutrients). You can also do honey, molasses, and for a sugar substitute - Stevia, a super sweet plant derivative. We like liquid. 1 drop sweetens a whole cup of tea. It can also be used as a sugar substitute in cooking. My son-in-law has been making some awesome sugar free cookies with it. It is very stable when heated - unlike it artificial sweetener cousins - which you should also avoid.

#2 - add probiotics and enzymes to your daily routine. A good probiotic in the morning before breakfast, then enzymes with each meal. Get a comprehensive enzyme. I did this and it was the best thing for my acid reflux - which I no longer suffer from. It is also good for every other part of your health and well being!

#3 - make sure you are drinking plenty of water daily - read "Your Body's Many Cries for Water"

#4 - make sure you are getting plenty of fiber - Flax seed is great for this. Use the whole seed, and grind just what you intend to use so it is its freshest. We use 1 Tbsp daily with a glass of water or sprinkled on cereal. It has a great nutty flavor. WARNING: Flax comes with the caution to use only with sufficient amounts of water intake and not if you have intestinal blockage (other than . . .well you know).

Best health to you.

No sugar. Check your blood sugar.

dont eat sugar....now, if you cannot tolerate sugar in any form then this could be a problem since most foods contain natural sugar.....i like prevacid for heartburn....as soon as i take it the pain is gone...dont know why as it is a capsule that needs to dissolve but it does

when i get acid reflux, i take "organic apple cider vinegar" either in pill form or liquid form. it helps.
acid relux is actually caused by the body not having enough acid in it. the stomach is low on acid and needs more. doctors will make you believe that it is because you have too much acid and that pills eliminate the acid. those pills actually empty the stomach of acid and then the bod floods the stomach with acid. rather than going that route, just add acid to the stomach again in the form of organic applecider vinegar.
hope this helps

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