Not sleeping "soundly"?!

Question: I have always slept really well, but in the past few months, i can't remember but 2 night i have slept all night. I am feeling the repercussions. I have heard good things about melatonin (sp?)...but am not one to turn to meds...although this one is all natural. Any suggestions? Comments on the med? Alternatives....please.

Answers: I have always slept really well, but in the past few months, i can't remember but 2 night i have slept all night. I am feeling the repercussions. I have heard good things about melatonin (sp?)...but am not one to turn to meds...although this one is all natural. Any suggestions? Comments on the med? Alternatives....please.

Melatonin is a good option, it is a natural hormone produced by the body. You could try encouraging your body to produce its own - which doesn't seem to be happening. A few hours before bedtime, go to low light at the most - no TV or computer screens. Maybe sit in a darkened living room and listen to soothing music, talk with your family, etc. Wind down and let your body know it is night. We keep too many lights on after dark! If you can convince the body to produce melatonin, you won't need to take it. More thoughts on melatonin below.

Chamomile tea has long been know for its relaxing and sleep inducing properties. Get some, and try adding it to the nighttime routine.

A good epsom salt bath always relaxes and prepares the body for rest. Put 2 cups of epsom salt in a hot bath and soak for about 20 minutes.

Another option is that it may be a bodily function keeping you up! Your body may be having a hard time processing. How is your diet? Any sugar issues? Adrenal function off - do you feel tired and out of touch during the day?

An easy thing to try is to add Milk Thistle to your routine. I take about 700 mg before bed each night. It is a liver support. Since the liver works most between 1 and 3, it can keep you awake or wake you if having processing problems. I noticed liver pain and night waking and immediately added milk thistle. It made an amazing difference, and even helped readjust my sleep. I had been waking nightly at least twice for bathroom trips (which is also a sign of liver function problems). I can now sleep through the night again, and I feel more refreshed.

So, with that example shared, I will say that just finding a way to get to sleep is more complex than a pill. There is an underlying cause, and it would be good to find it. Maybe list some of your other symptoms right now, no matter how unrelated they seem, and see where that may lead.

Back to the melatonin, if you can't find anything else and decide to try it. Start slowly with it. Don't use time release, and get the smallest dosage you can. 1 mg is more than sufficient to start with. Then you increase slowly until you find the right amount for you. This may take several nights, but it is specific to each person. Some people take 1/2 a mg, others take 6 mgs. It will help reset your body clock, so you shouldn't need to take it long term. I don't know that you really become dependent, per se, but if you are relying on the pill, your body won't decide to make its own. Once you've had several nights, or even weeks of restful sleep, then wean yourself off and see if your body can go without to sleep.

Hope you find your path to peaceful sleep!

Try drinking milk or taking calcium at night.
Say your prayers before u drift off to sleep.

It works good for my 5 year old son. My mom also takes them. Start out with a small mg. My mom takes only 3 mg's and she gets a little dizzy from it. Good Luck!

I've been trying my son on 5HTP but never could get a full dose in him. Tonight he took the whole dose. He layed down, giggled a couple of times and fell asleep. I've been told by a doctor that low serotonin levels can cause sleep problems. The 5HTP helps balance your serotonin levels.

If you would like to fall asleep quickly and have great dreams too, drink a cup of Chamomile tea, and take 1 capsule (950mgs) of Gotu Kola. Don't let the word Kola mislead you.

It is an herb used in India (Centella asiatica) and it is similar to ginseng. There is no caffeine in it, and in certain people like me, it causes relaxation. Good for people who normally have paradoxical reactions to medicine.

i got prescribed Tamaze for me **** sleeping.... wish me luck! i takin one tonight. apparantly they make u tired for the first 3 days like during the day then your fine... DONT TAKE STILNOX as i have herd the first batch tripped ppl out n this new batch makes you have aggressive mood swings.
Dont read stimulating books or play video games after 9pm and drink a WARM glass of milk just before bed... if all else fails, put your eyes in the back of your head like your looking @ the inside of you forehead and just repeat over & over sleep, sleep sleep in your head of course... otherwise i cant help. the doctor told me all this.

Melatonin is good, but recommended only if you are over 35 because your body produces normal levels before then, and then starts to diminish as you get older.

Try valenrian root (sold at health food stores & GNC) or lavender aromatherapy, and seek some alternative medicine advice from a professional. No quackery, that will only waste your $ and time (and possibly helath) in the end.

Also try cutting down on caffeine after 5 pm

I suggest evaluating your eating habits.and make exercise preferably at early day ,some people increase their metabolism doing exercise at night .A brisk walk will do the work.

Eat m&m's and a dr pepper. I had a friend who said his daughter couldn't sleep and she ate a little pack of M&M's and a can of Dr. Pepper and she was out in 15 minutes if that doesn't work try the healing garden lavender spray. You can buy it at walmart, just look in the aisle where all the body sprays are. Spray it on your pillow and it will make you go to sleep.

You should bring your husband cookies and milk in bed and maybe he will stroke the bridge of your nose until you fall asleep. Maybe your conscience would let you sleep more soundly if you were to stop hogging all the blankets. I'm sure I.... I mean your husband, would love that and, in return, stop kicking you in the middle of the night.

Well your problem seems to be more of psychological . Sometimes it happens without our knowledge the unidentified worries seep into subconscious .Its better to relax and meditate .Try out a conscious meditation technique.Check out think it will surely help you.

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