Home Remedy For a cold? Do you have one?!

Question: Mine is hot tea with honey, lemon and sugar.

Answers: Mine is hot tea with honey, lemon and sugar.

Hot toddy. I use a shot of home made peach brandy, about a cup of strong tea, tablespoon or so of honey and about a teaspoon of lemon. Microwave or heat on stove top.

Anything warm like that will help break up the congestion in the sinuses or chest. The alcohol relaxes you and helps you sleep. Drinking alcohol is actually one of the active ingredients in NyQuil

There's nothing like homemade chicken soup. It clears the nasal passage, soothes the body, warm up those aching bones and joints. Drink plenty of fluids with vitamin c and rest, rest, rest.

2500 mg or so, of Vitamin C, wih orange juice

Cold is not a disease. It is a natural process of bronchial system to weed out the dirt collected in the bronchioles. Let's not try to take medicines for such ordinary cold unless it is allergic or due to any other cause. Take liquid diet during night time. Rest is necessary. Rub eucalyptus oil to chest and back. Warm water with honey will do. Even without any medicine you get cured within five or six days.

boil slices of fresh ginger root in water, add lemon juice, honey, and a dash of cayenne. Won't cure a cold, but will help with symptoms.

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