What do you think is the best brand of baby food?!

Question: besides homemade? I want to know as far as health wise and nutrients

Answers: besides homemade? I want to know as far as health wise and nutrients

I have found it very difficult lately to find a particular brand that is full of nutrients for babies....there is a lot of pasta filled carbo filled choices with creamy and sugared sauces....
I would imagine if you can find one that is organic any brand would do.. In this day and age I would be making my own for my child.....too much sugar and starches arew being added.....
you want the best for your child and the natural home made from scratch is always the freshest and best....you are using whole foods and not chemically reproducing flavours

gerber has always been my favorite! i never really cared much for heinz or beechnut!! there a couple of new ones out now but i still like gerber!!!

I know the yellow cans always go very watery once they are opened.The yellow heinz ones.I personally think the best brand is the home made ones for the babies.Fresh foods.


Hey Iam a doctor,
You might want to take a trip to your local gp and take a trip to predamatics(babey and health care for woman) they will prescribe whats best for your baby, like if your baby lack iron they will give you a list of baby foods with more iron that type of thing.

All the best


I don't know because I made all of my sons baby food. He never ate anything from a jar or a can. He is now 8 years old and would never touch a slice of american cheese (he calls it molten cheese) and he would never eat that boxed macaroni and cheese. I guess I did a great job - he is the healthiest "child" eater I know!

If you need to buy prepared baby food why don't you try Trader Joe's or a whole food store.

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