Is it safe to make a tea out of regular pine needles?!

Question: i dont have any white pine needles but there is a tree in my backyard that has pinecones on it so im assuming its some sort of pine tree, is it safe to make a tea from it?

Answers: i dont have any white pine needles but there is a tree in my backyard that has pinecones on it so im assuming its some sort of pine tree, is it safe to make a tea from it?

As an herbalist, I will recommend you take some of the pine needles to the nearest college extension center and ask for help in identifying your tree. Myself, I pretty much rely on a Peterson Field Guide to Medicinal Plants. If it's not in there, I don't eat it.

White Pine is drank as a tea, gargled & made into cough syrup. The needles are typically a bit over 2" long and grouped in 5's.

Black Larch has very short needles in thick clumps and makes little 1" cones like a pine. It's a laxative.

Yellow Pine has needles about 1" to 1-1/2" long, in 2's and 3's and will make you throw up.

Long Leaf Pine has 3" needles in groups of 3's and big, pretty cones. It has been used to stop bleeding and to kill tumors but is potentially TOXIC. Don't mess with it.

why do that? Just go to an herbal store (or the grocery store for that matter) and buy some tea.

U no I don't know about pine needles, but do know burning, at least, some types of pine wood causes toxic smoke. Now burning creates different compounds, but, be safe not sorry. Use stuff from the store until u know for sure the stuff in ur back yard is safe.

saw it on survivorman or that other tvshow

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