Is there a way to modify the at home remedy of draining sinuses by boiling water?!

Question: My poor boyfriend has horrible sinus pressure. I'd like to try some at home remedies to drain his sinuses. I read about boiling water, taking it off the burner and holding your head over it with a towel draped over. But is there anything I can add to the water to make it even more effective?

Answers: My poor boyfriend has horrible sinus pressure. I'd like to try some at home remedies to drain his sinuses. I read about boiling water, taking it off the burner and holding your head over it with a towel draped over. But is there anything I can add to the water to make it even more effective?

1. Please do not put Vicks or anything else that has an oil base in your nose. As you breathe the oil will melt (not to the point that it drips out of your nostrils or anything) enough so that micro droplets are inhaled into your lungs. When oil gets into your lungs it stays there. Oil and lungs don't mix. Having a foreign body in your lungs or stuck to the lining of your lungs can and if done often enough cause breathing problems. You can how-ever add eucalyptus, peppermint, or spearmint, to the steaming water. Do lean over the pot with a towel over your head and the pot to direct the steam to your face. Salt water will indeed clean your sinuses, but again I am not sure that purposely putting great amounts of water in your nose is a good ie: drowning if not done properly. You can also go see an acupuncturist or have acupressure for treatment as well. Everything I have listed works.
You can also look in a book call Prescription for Nutrition for herbs to use and how to use those herbs.
Be SAFE in your health (or your boy friends health )

I think you can put Vicks Vapo Rub in the hot water. Another way is to put a towel over your head while running very hot water in the sink. Other people has sworn by the Neti Pot method of cleaning your sinuses, you can Google it.

I've never heard of any variations on inhaling steam from a pot of boiling water, but my director in a musical told us this remedy. Take some really hot water (not boiling and not hot enough to cause him severe pain) and add enough salt until you have a 1:3 ratio of salt to water. Stir the salt in, letting it dissolve. Finally, get a turkey baster, fill it with the solution, and squirt it up his nose. It's supposed to loosen up the sinuses, and you'll probably want to follow up with a session over the pot of boiling water or in a small bathroom with a hot shower running on full blast.

When my sinuses are full I take a hot shower with the water running directly on my upper forehead. This helps them drain and relieve the pressure.

Good luck!

get a neti pot;

What is a neti pot? Can it help with allergies and sinus problems?

It may look like a watering can or a genie bottle, but a neti pot

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