A quarter-sized patch of 2% iodine on your skin once a day advocated when sick, this is new to me?!

Question: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Whats_the_best...
"Your body will very rapidly deplete its iodine reserves anytime you are sick, so I recommend adding a quarter-sized patch of 2% iodine on your skin once a day, and more often if it absorbs rapidly."

Answers: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Whats_the_best...
"Your body will very rapidly deplete its iodine reserves anytime you are sick, so I recommend adding a quarter-sized patch of 2% iodine on your skin once a day, and more often if it absorbs rapidly."

Are you asking if that's right, safe, or okay to do? I don't understand what you're asking exactly.

Most people that eat processed foods and/or have a lot of salt in their diet likely get way more than the RDA of Iodine, so unless you have a low salt diet, this wouldn't be terribly beneficial. It would be a fast way to get Iodine into your blood stream... but that doesn't mean it's safe (especially if you are taking enough Iodine in your diet).

[edit] No prob. I thought that's what you were asking, I just figured I would cover the bases, just in case ;-)

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