What dietary supplement or vitamin etc can I take to increase my energy a lot?!

Question: There are different possible causes for a person suffering from low energy. It is important to determine what the cause is in order to address the problem correctly and get the desired results. If in fact your energy problem is a result of a lack of iron, you could try a natural herbal iron supplement such as the product called; "Floradix - IRON PLUS HERB". ... You can usually purchase this in the average health food store in the states, or they can order it for you.

You're problem may be a result of a poor diet or one that is lacking in what your particular body needs. If you feel you would benefit from looking into how to make healthy changes in that regard, the following web page will provide you with valuable guidance in that regard;


As for specific supplements which may help one to have more energy, there are different options to explore. Here are a few;

- Siberian Ginseng
- Guarana root
- Reishi Mushroom
- Yohimbe
- B Complex vitamin
- Klamath Algae - (this is a wild food and highly nutritious supplement that is safe to take as much as you want. You have to explore over time to see how much your body needs)

If after exploring the dietary and supplement options above, you still have the same problem, then you may want to seek the guidance of a professional natural health practitioner such as a Naturopathic Physician who can evaluate your physical condition to determine what may be causing the low energy.

Be Well...

Answers: There are different possible causes for a person suffering from low energy. It is important to determine what the cause is in order to address the problem correctly and get the desired results. If in fact your energy problem is a result of a lack of iron, you could try a natural herbal iron supplement such as the product called; "Floradix - IRON PLUS HERB". ... You can usually purchase this in the average health food store in the states, or they can order it for you.

You're problem may be a result of a poor diet or one that is lacking in what your particular body needs. If you feel you would benefit from looking into how to make healthy changes in that regard, the following web page will provide you with valuable guidance in that regard;


As for specific supplements which may help one to have more energy, there are different options to explore. Here are a few;

- Siberian Ginseng
- Guarana root
- Reishi Mushroom
- Yohimbe
- B Complex vitamin
- Klamath Algae - (this is a wild food and highly nutritious supplement that is safe to take as much as you want. You have to explore over time to see how much your body needs)

If after exploring the dietary and supplement options above, you still have the same problem, then you may want to seek the guidance of a professional natural health practitioner such as a Naturopathic Physician who can evaluate your physical condition to determine what may be causing the low energy.

Be Well...

Sugar. Energy is measured in calories, and sugar's a great source of empty, useless calories. If you're looking to feel more energetic, that's a different subject altogether, and it's likely not something you can change with diet or drugs.

1st stop for energy is B vitamins, a good B complex. They are normally missing in the diet (or ill absorbed because they are just fortified and not very good sources). Taking B vitamins regularly should give you a noticeable lift in energy, and one that isn't going to drop you like a rock.

Stay away from sugar, it is a crash and burn energy source, as is caffeine.

Increasing your iron will be vital to being energetic. Best way I found to do that when I was low iron during pregnancy was concentrated spinach iron pills and a handful of organic raisins daily. Worked like a charm where the OB/Gyn's iron pills failed.

There are many reasons for low energy. Poor eating habits, lack of sleep, lack of exercise and excess weight are all major contributors. Allergies and hormones can also contribute.
A dietary supplement or vitamin may be only part of a solution. If it is, then the absolute best thing to take is not actually a supplement, it is a whole food concentrate made from 17 fruits vegetables and grains, called Juice Plus. It is the only nutritional product out there that actually has published research to show that it gets in to your blood and does something.

Try B Complex with Vitamin C, this combination is good for stress. Also herbs like chinese ginseng or bee pollen is a good source of energy and vitality.

I would go for herbalife products. My family came across these products for good nutrition. We have a number of family members using them including myself and we have all gained massive amounts of energy within a day or so. I use the vitamin B6, natural guarana, multivitamin, vit c and iron. Also the herbal tea has natural caffeine which makes you feel great. I recommend it to all my friends along with anyone needing a lift. I order it through my distributor. Her website is www.naturalw8loss4u.info. (Dont be put off by the weight loss bit, as this is a nutrition program tailored to your needs. I didnt need to lose any weight when i started. Just wanted the energy boost, being a single mum of 3 energetic kids). Good luck hey!

You should consider Himalayan GoChi Juice. In a recent randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, GoChi proved extremely effective for human health in just 14 days. They also have a 90-day, money back guarantee if you're not satisfied.

Some of the benefits include:

* Less Fatigue
* Increased Energy
* Reduction of Stress
* Increased Ability to Focus
* ... and more

Basically, it contains a perfect balance of important nutrients. Juices are also a convenient way to get the daily requirement of certain fruits and vegetables because it

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