What's the best way to cure heart burn without using medication?!

Question: I'd like to find a home remedy that settles heart burn without side effects on my unborn baby.

Answers: I'd like to find a home remedy that settles heart burn without side effects on my unborn baby.

I have heartburn and am listing several things that should help.

Many find that ingesting ginger with a meal helps to reduce suffering and stomach upset. Fresh ginger can be ground and added to foods or taken in tea or capsule form. Herbalists recommend consuming 500mg. of ginger with a full glass of water after each meal.

Enzymes which help to speed the digestive process often eliminate heartburn altogether. Papaya enzymes are sold in chewable capsule form, and are taken immediately following a meal with a full glass of water. Both ginger and digestive enzymes are not medically proven to help with symptoms.

Consuming more fiber nutrient foods is another natural way to alleviate future suffering. Bulk foods help to absorb excess acid and gas, and allow your body to rid itself of toxins more quickly. For those who respond poorly to high fiber vegetables, fiber pills and beverages are an easy alternative.

The more water you drink, the less likely you are to suffer the pains of heartburn. Drinking at least 8-glasses of water each day will rid the body of toxins and allow your body to expel acid naturally.

Green tea has been used for centuries in Japan as an after dinner drink. Green teas aid the body in the digestion process, and help soothe the stomach's sensitive tissues.

Herbal teas containing even trace amounts of peppermint, chamomile, ginger, licorice root and catnip help the stomach lining repair itself. Often, one cup of tea following dinner is enough to stave off future heartburn episodes.

the very best heartburn remedy is half a teaspoon of baking soda in a small glass of water,works very well,cheap and always available.you won't see this on a t.v. ad.

Milk or calcium

Peppermint tea was what I drank during my first pregnancy. I used to get terrible heartburn and it helped a lot.

Gaviscon is okay to take during pregnancy.

The fact that you're pregnant makes it more difficult.... but it can still be minimized without harming your child.
DGL (Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice), Aloe Vera, and Peppermint Oil are very good stomach soothers and are safe during pregnancy (in proper doses). I would suggest trying any one of those (or multiple ones), and you should feel some relief.

Milk, Baking Soda, and other general antacids might help short term, but it's not a way to stop the heartburn from happening in the first place.

Fruits like apple, watermelon and banana are recommended for people with hyperacidity problem. Avoid fried food, pickle, hot and spicy food. Take your meals regularly on time, don

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