Have you balanced your chakras? How does it feel?!

Question: Everyday. I feel relaxed, my mind is clear and uncluttered with thoughts of worry about past or future. I feel enthusiastic about just being alive. I can clearly see my goals and have the confidence and strength to work toward achieving them without being attached one way or the other to any results. My intuition is strong and almost always right. I feel prepared to meet whatever the minute, the day, the week or life in general has to throw at me. Most importantly, i feel happy regardless of anything. Even during pain and suffering. If you want to know how, i can tell you how you can do it yourself. It takes about five minutes, and you can do it as often as you feel you need to.

Answers: Everyday. I feel relaxed, my mind is clear and uncluttered with thoughts of worry about past or future. I feel enthusiastic about just being alive. I can clearly see my goals and have the confidence and strength to work toward achieving them without being attached one way or the other to any results. My intuition is strong and almost always right. I feel prepared to meet whatever the minute, the day, the week or life in general has to throw at me. Most importantly, i feel happy regardless of anything. Even during pain and suffering. If you want to know how, i can tell you how you can do it yourself. It takes about five minutes, and you can do it as often as you feel you need to.

i have done chakra meditation but i couldnt open up my
4th, 5th, 6th, or 7th chakra
its very relaxing

I used to do mine regularly, but I haven't so much recently. I should, I've been pretty stressed out!

It usually makes me feel relaxed and grounded.

I don't know if that's what you're looking for, or something more specific? Balancing your chakras is dealing with subtle energies, so for the most part the results are also subtle - like the relaxed and grounded feeling. Sometimes it's a little more intense.. My throat chakra is often off-balance because of my personality (saying either too much or too little when I should have done the opposite), and my throat feels tight, so the release of that is a little more tangible.

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