A cure for insomnia without drugs or hormone replacement theraphy.?!

Question: You need to figure out what is the root cause to really cure it. Here are some sleep helps and tips:

Low light in the evening so the body will be signaled to produce melatonin and prepare for sleep.

No exercise or stress within 3 hours of bed time. Also, no food.

Chamomile tea with honey is a great relaxer and will help with sleep.

Epsom salt bath to relax and unwind. 2 cups on bath water, no longer than 20 minute soak.

Cut out caffeine and refined sugars, also artificial sweeteners as they set the body up for crashes and can cause restlessness.

Answers: You need to figure out what is the root cause to really cure it. Here are some sleep helps and tips:

Low light in the evening so the body will be signaled to produce melatonin and prepare for sleep.

No exercise or stress within 3 hours of bed time. Also, no food.

Chamomile tea with honey is a great relaxer and will help with sleep.

Epsom salt bath to relax and unwind. 2 cups on bath water, no longer than 20 minute soak.

Cut out caffeine and refined sugars, also artificial sweeteners as they set the body up for crashes and can cause restlessness.

get more exercise

"March of the Penguins". Works every time.

Passiflora and/or L5-Hydroxy Tryptophan (5-HTP)

Edit: I saw someone mentioned Valerian root, which does work very well... but if you're doing a tea or tincture/glycerite... beware, it is sooooo smelly!

You can try melatonin which is a natural supplement that's very safe. When I was on chemo, it was one of the only supplements I was allowed and actually encouraged to take. There are actually several natural supplements that help restore sleep cycles but that one is the most basic.

Try some sleepytime or chamomile tea

Take a warm shower or bath

Make a bedtime routine to adjust your body to sleep

Make sure your room isn't too warm or cold

I assume you don't want to use anything herbal either, right? I also have suffered from insomnia. The best thing for this is light exercise. Try anything like swimming laps, jogging or even yoga. If you start exercising regularly, you'll notice that you start sleeping much better at night.

Try being more active during the day ,little to no cafeine, no sugar, and drink a hot cup of sleepytime tea (chamomile) before bedtime (no sugar). When you can't sleep get up and walk around a little. Have another cup of tea and try again.

I don't know if a plant supplement would be OK with you.. ? But valerian root is supposed to be very effective.


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Maybe u should learn some ways to overcome your insomnia problem at my profile.

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