Question for Homeopaths, Holistics, and other natural healers?!

Question: An 82 year old man enters your office complaining of right sided headaches and difficulty walking. These headaches have been occuring for approximately 3 months and are worse at night. He also stumples at times because of left leg weakness.
His head shows no evidence of trauma, he is alert and fluent with speech. He is capable of naming and repitition and can count down from 100 by sevens. His pupils are round and reactive to light. His visual fields are full but with extinction on the left to double simultatneous stimulation. His facial sensations are intact and his facial muscles move symmetrically. He shows mild left hemiparesis and normal right sided strength. He shows normal gait. His reflexes are fine except that he shows Babinski's sign in his left foot.


Answers: An 82 year old man enters your office complaining of right sided headaches and difficulty walking. These headaches have been occuring for approximately 3 months and are worse at night. He also stumples at times because of left leg weakness.
His head shows no evidence of trauma, he is alert and fluent with speech. He is capable of naming and repitition and can count down from 100 by sevens. His pupils are round and reactive to light. His visual fields are full but with extinction on the left to double simultatneous stimulation. His facial sensations are intact and his facial muscles move symmetrically. He shows mild left hemiparesis and normal right sided strength. He shows normal gait. His reflexes are fine except that he shows Babinski's sign in his left foot.


What you're describing could be explained by a chronic subdural hematoma. This would explain the headaches, the extinction, and the leg weakness. It explains Babinski's sign and explains the hemiparesis.

I would order a CT scan and blood work.

I know what it is - a brain tumor. Taa-daa!

rule out temporal artiritis (not arthritis) and brain tumor
Babinski's sign signals an upper motor neuron lesion, spinal cord or brain. MRI of brain first. If negative, vascular surgeon

He has Multiple Sclerosis. If he hasn't been diagnosed, then I would recommend a specialist for him.

As a Massage Therapist and a Holistic Healer, I would offer massage and other modalities only after I had medical approval. However, massage therapy should interfere with MS. Herbal preparations might interfere with his Rx, but again, until I have approval from an MD, he won't get anything from me.

I would check with his physician and go from there.

okay with all that I'm not totally sure...but I'll give it a try though

call the paramedics to make sure he doesn't have a blood clot or anyerism.
make sure he isn't taking blood or heart medicine.

If not give him an antioxident health drink, --
magnesium, manganese, zinc, choline and vitamin B
help his oxygen level

call the paramedics
if his blood and oxygen are fine

according to Osiris diagnosis
call the paramedics or
get someone that does acupuncture. - 22k -

also him coming into my office I wouldn't have taken his shoes and socks off since the first thing I did was call the paramedics and try to make sure he had enough oxygen and got him comfortable til the paramedics got there.

Sounds Like The gall bladder meridian is going out. ( the headaches) Small Intestine meridian could need some tonifying for the knee problem. I have seen TCM work wonders for people with One sided headaches and knee problems. Tonifying a meridian is pretty simple. Check out Touch for Health or Donna Eden's book they give the step by step fixes.

Hope that helps.


check his PH at his urian, oxygen levels go down as PH goes down. IF PH is low . all vegitable diet. Check blood for latic acid if levels are high it is not because of heavy exercise. youcould use bycorbinate of soda to raise his PH, 1 tsp to 4 to 6 oz water. 3 times a day on empty stomich, chech PH every day when PH gets to 7 stop bycorbinate of soda.

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