Can u please suggest some homely and effective solution for piles??!

Question: I don't wanna go for medicines..i have been trying curd and juice but there is no change in the situation. Please help.

Answers: I don't wanna go for medicines..i have been trying curd and juice but there is no change in the situation. Please help.

Eat lots of prunes or drink prune juice and sit on a bag of frozen peas.

Piles are caused by nerve endings that get trapped outside the rectal hole. The tightness of the hole traps them causing them to swell which leads to pain.

Ice or other cold sources reduce swelling, relieve pain and help get rid of piles.
You can also buy over the counter creams.

If by piles you mean hemarrhoids, avoid constipation and use OTC meds.

If by piles you mean infected areas, try warm water soaks in the tub.

However, the best thing you can do is see the doc. You might need a minor surgical procedure to clear it all up.

you need to see a Proctologist he will treat the piles

witch hazel applied 3-4 times a day to reduce swelling and to clean area. Eat a more fiber rich diet and less meat and dairy as they can constipate. Try not to sit on hard surfaces or for more than 2 hours without getting up to move around a bit. If they start to bleed see a doctor. Do not strain when you have a bowel movement take a stool softener if you need to, which will make it easier and less painful to go.

Three suggestions. First, regular pelvic floor exercises. Second, put a couple of drops each of Frankincense and Cypress essential oils into a 10ml bottle of base oil and apply. Third, Aloe Vera gel.
Good luck.

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