Can scientology cure diarrhea?!

Question: using their magical powers, can scientology cure diarrhea?

Answers: using their magical powers, can scientology cure diarrhea?

oh yeah
scientologys gonna cure the whole world of every ailment!
you know, with the aliens and stuff.

im going to be out of a job , no need for medicine when theres scientology
I'll bet tom cruise can single handedly cure it by himself

Can Tom Cruise make a good movie?

Nope, no amount of religion or praying can do that!! Just keep up the fluids to prevent dehydration, eat jello and popsicles, and if it doesnt run its course in 3 days see a doctor, not a scientologist!!!!

Yes. If you shred the Dianetics book and eat it you will become constipated. That ends the diarrhea.

No. There are two good cures. First is cheese, preferably Swiss, a good sized hunk. It's a tasty cure and it really does work. Second is if you're impatient--Loperamide HCL, the active ingredient in anti-diarrhea pills. It's what's in Imodium AD, but it's available cheaper in generic form.

besides the others answers don't forget the fiber.

Diarrhea can be a life threatening problem if not treated correctly and rapidly. In addition it is one of the most annoying HIV symptoms. Diarrhea purges the body of needed fluid and electrolytes, resulting in dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.

Yes, simply become a scientologist and take lomotil and the scientology has cured your problem. It will even cure acne, simply become a scientologist and use clearasil and your acne will magically disappear due to scientology.

Depends on if it's psychosomatic (caused by the mind), and if the person who is ill gets the necessary medical treatment first.

Scientology cures all...

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