Do you think the goverment has secret cures?!

Question: for dieseases but wont mention them due to making money for treatments,sometimes i think we have a cure for dieseases but the cia or gov. just want that money and only cares for there well being...what do you think

Answers: for dieseases but wont mention them due to making money for treatments,sometimes i think we have a cure for dieseases but the cia or gov. just want that money and only cares for there well being...what do you think

H-ll yes! Of course they do. Here's what I get stuck on: our failure to come up with a cure or vaccine for the common cold. U.S. modern medicine is so far advanced that doctors and surgeons can; replace a failing heart with a mechanical heart, remove tumors in the brain, replace failing joints and ligaments with prosthetic or animal joints, kill or prevent certain cancers, successfully separate conjoined twins, restore hearing and eyesight. It's amazing!

However, we just can't seem to figure out how to deal with rhinoviruses. Why? Because look how much money these companies would lose if each American adult didn't have 2-4 colds per year. (Mind you, this data only represents 12 weeks worth of sales during the onset of cold and flu season in 2004)

Top 10 drug channel gainers in cough-cold (sales period, 12-weeks ending Dec. 28)

Brand Category $ Sales in millions

1 Claritin D cold/allergy tablets $13.2
2 Children's Tylenol Plus cold/allergy liquids 8.8
3 Mucinex cold/allergy tablets 7.5
4 Claritin cold/allergy tablets 12.1
5 Theraflu cold/allergy tablets 13.0
6 Primatene Mist nasal spray 6.8
7 Vicks NyQuil cold/allergy liquids 17.2
8 Delsym cough syrup 8.3
9 Robitussin DM cough syrup 13.6
10 Halls cough/sore throat lozenge 14.0

Sick and disgusting, if you ask me.

I think your paranoid

Yeh Bill Clinton got caught using his cure for his erection problems.

i wish they would make them public, so we can be cured.

Welcome to Corporate World, Love!!! But there's no "secret" to cures for what's out there today, or yesterday, or tomorrow, for that matter...there's only people with brains & people with brains that use them.

You see, in evolution process, the food & medicines are in place before the creature procedes...just the way of it. Now, our human management wonders may come up with concoctions of all sorts in their own evolutionary designs, but good ol' Mom Nature has something for anything & everything created of Her...She Is the supreme top of the "food chain" so to speak, & rules herself well in spite of human parasites running amok.

Your on track, however, with many thousands of years old knowledge being devasted by corporate industries, with governmental assist, in support of that which is only a few hundred yrs. old...many of our greatest healers have their websites tracked constantly looking to put them into judicial hold-outs, their publications squashed, and their lives in danger always...if we were again capable of taking care of ourselves using free or near-free ingredients & common sense, imagine the businesses & medical "practices" that would go down the tubes...economies that would have to be entire human mgmt. system that would crumble...ooooh, the chaos of it!!! (LOL)

Thankfully, there are always going to be those "in-the-know", and the numbers of them are growing intensely...folks just disgusted by insurance scamming, health care costs, & the whole medical menagerie...Blessed be to them all!!!

Want to catch some great come-on sense rants??? Check out lady with serious brains & huge heart...good start to doing your own research.

Good Journey!!!

Yes, I know they do and they do not want us to know because doctors and dentists would loose a lot of money. I know it sounds paranoid, but its true.
I have almost been killed by a doctor and a dentist, both because of negligence and they are very protected with their liability insurance.

well I've got into a bit of Family History recently and I think those average age expectancies are a load of c**p! Alot of babies died in their first years , yes, but probably mostly due to poor housing, nutrition of mothers and generally bad conditions. Loads of folks lived well beyond 60 yrs, check it out for yourself.
I wouldn't be surprised if expensive cures were held back to save NHS funding , just as certain drugs are out there as cures but not available to the majority . One being the recent drug bought out for alzheimers, but too expensive to allow .

Yes, there are natural cures for many ailments, given to us by mother earth. How can so many people be so ignorant and think that we as human beings are more capable of creating medicine than the earth that we evolved from. Modern medicine is just a giant joke, the only purpose it serves is to pretend to create beneficial medicines, that after 10 years we "discover" causes all sorts of side effects and has killed thousands along the way. Anybody who has studied economics should understand that for an economy to flourish, there must be systems in place to control them. This means that the governments keep secrets for the sake of their society, and only when a society is on the verge of discovering a truth, are the governments anxious to make a medical breakthrough. What people should understand is that its all about money and timing, make as much money for as long as possible, avoid retaliation by society by controlling what they know, and when they are smart enough to figure it out, beat them to it, announce a cure and make some more money. People who can't understand the very simple logic of this, are the people that become the governments guinea pigs.

Go to YouTube and search "In Lies We Trust" you'll find your answer there.

It's pretty silly. How does the government profit from disease?

If homeopathy etc. are cures then it's the alternative medicine industry that is choosing to keep the evidence hidden.

There is nothing to stop alt-med coming out and explaining in sensible terms how homeopathy works, and showing the trials that prove it works.

Conspiracy theorists unite!

Especially the one who thinks that the government is actively destroying cures that we have somehow known about for thousands of years. I guess that she forgets that the life expectancy up until the development of modern science was around 40. What is it today?

Bad science. Bad, bad, naughty science [shakes finger and slaps]. How dare you help people. You should be ashamed.

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