Does anyone have any home remedies for High Blood Pressure?!

Question: No pharmaceutical drugs

Answers: No pharmaceutical drugs

First thing first......avoid added salt and no spice, no picklels. Mild excercise, practice yoga and relaxation excercise. If you know pranayam, it works....try.

Do relaxation exercises. Practice meditation and being more calm and centered in your life.

That simple: garlic and banana about 3 daily that's all you need to lower your blood pressure! Also avoid eggs because of the cholesterol in them! Cholesterol can raise your blood pressure!

Cocaine by Anal Insertion

bannanas really work if you eat it with some garlic chips.

First put some bananas in a blender and make yourself a nice smoothie.
Then if you want add some fruits.
Try some low calorie gronola and yogart if you're trying to be full
Then finish it off with some garlic chips. In about 2 weeks you're blood pressure will be lower by four points

Here in the south we've used a common weed called yellow root that is known to grown in the woods. Please don't ask me to describe it because I've only seen it after my mom has boiled it into a tea. All I know is that its the most bitter tasting stuff ever, but my mom and dad didn't have to use their medicine all that much or was bothered when they couldn't take their medicine. I've been there when mom had to go to the doctor and where the month before her blood pressure was up after drinking 4 oz of the root twice a week when she was tested again it was normal or a little under. But since she's developed diabetes she can't drink the root because it interacts with her insulin. But I've seen it actually work, but you have to do it just like I said. And only for a span of 3 weeks not more or less. I would look it up on the internet because I've seen it on here as an root and an herb. But that's the thing that she did and it worked for her. Till this day many southerns use it for high blood pressure. If you can stand or get past the taste it works. Me and my brother when we were younger accidently drunk some, but in an 8 oz glass and well mom ha to rush us to the hospital because our blood pressure dropped greatly. So trust me when i say you have to be careful in drinking it. You have to also boil it for 10 mins. At a rapid boil. The water turns a yellowish color, but the root is green. Also you have to wash it for at least 15 to 20 mins before you boil it like if you were cooking spinach that is raw. Then after that drink it twice a week in a 4oz cup or a shot glass. That's how my mom drunk it. because she could take it all in one gulp and that was it. Hope this helps.

Garlic, fish oil, apple cider vinegar and many other natural remedies that you can find in a search for "high blood pressure" + "natural remedies".

Natural remedy for high blood pressure.
For blood pressure do these exercises everyday.You will see the benefits within days, as you can check BP yourself.Continue the exercise once a day, after you are better.You may be able to reduce/stop your medication over longer term, although the doctor will say you have be on medication for life.
Build up your timing gradually.If you feel tired or dizzy, stop and resume after one minute.
Anulom Vilom

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