What is the best medicine for cough age 7 years old?!

Question: I give my kids Triaminic the grape flavor.

Answers: I give my kids Triaminic the grape flavor.

Listen to the news lately, none is best!

None. It doesn't work. Feed the kid lots of fluid and teach him how to blow his nose. You don't need to be dosing your kids with alcohol.

childerns dimatapp its the best i use it with my daughter .. gets rid of oi in 2-4 days... ~Sandra~

To be quite honest, you really shouldn't suppress a cough, anyway. But, if the child's sleep is seriously interrupted I would suggest a syrup with only guaifenison in it.

Oh, and if someone tries to tell you different......cough syrups ony mask the symptoms. They DO NOT treat the problem.

A spoonful of honey.

It's been all over the news in the last few months. Feeding a child a spoonful of honey will quiet the cough and soothe the throat. Research has found it is actually more effective than OTC cough medications, and it's 100% natural, with no weird chemicals.

Give it a try, and good luck.

Medicine will only suppress the cough, it wont take care of the problem.

Squeeze 3 to 4 limes with warm water (don't microwave it since you will nuke all the nutrients in them and would be useless) with a teaspoon of honey. This natural remedy actually kills the bacteria causing the cough and children love it!!

You can see these remedies for cough and common cold.

We use Mullein tea. The kids like the taste. Sweeten it with honey (which will also help). You can usually find mullein at a health food store, but this time of year it is scarce - due to obvious reasons. You should be able to get it at http://www.iherb.com or on your own yard (fresh, as it grows wild most everywhere). http://www.ashtreepublishing.com/Book_Ci...

We used mullein when our daughter (full vaccinated) had whooping cough. It works very well.

Try to not suppress a cough if it is being productive - removing phlegm. If it is dry and causing pain, that is when to try to relieve it. If it is productive, then just thin the mucus with Robitussin PE. That is not a cough suppressant, but an expectorant and decongestant. It is the only OTC we use for cold symptoms.

The mullein is too good, and danger free, to use OTC.

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