What is your view on homeopathy?!

Question: We've used it on several occasions - including Arnica which the unnamed asker doesn't believe is homeopathy. We have used it for nighttime bed wetting when all other suggestions didn't work. One round of homeopathic cure and it was gone - for good. We've also used it as a vaccine alternative when vaccines were needed for college. That is one of those impossible to test things- but worked for our needs. Daughter got into college without vaccine side effects. We've used other too, but haven't had any "not working" experiences. It is also used for animals. So, that placebo effect can't be the reason it works. Cats can't apply faith to medicine.

Answers: We've used it on several occasions - including Arnica which the unnamed asker doesn't believe is homeopathy. We have used it for nighttime bed wetting when all other suggestions didn't work. One round of homeopathic cure and it was gone - for good. We've also used it as a vaccine alternative when vaccines were needed for college. That is one of those impossible to test things- but worked for our needs. Daughter got into college without vaccine side effects. We've used other too, but haven't had any "not working" experiences. It is also used for animals. So, that placebo effect can't be the reason it works. Cats can't apply faith to medicine.

I dunno sometimes I think it works and other times not. I'm sure your mind set has to do with some of it. I guess I'm too skeptical even if I don't want to be. Also it depends on what your using it for.

A bunch of the most common drugs on the market are derived from plants, like asprin, for example. I'm a frim believer in natural remedies for minor colds, skin wounds, cough...but I also don't hesitate to take a hydrocodone now and then. It depends on what you're using them for. I take valerian root to help me sleep and relax and it makes a huge difference. I will say, though, that you should know what you're doing before you take any herb, especially fresh or dried, as opposed to prepared tincture, because many plants and herbs are poisonous.

I discovered it by chance, have used a proper homeopath for the last 10 years in preference to conventional medicine and trust it totally.
My children are also treated with homeopathy, not conventional medicine.
I even started my 4 year training last year to qualify as a homeopath. It is a fascinating subject, extrememly in depth and the proof is in the using.
I would recommend you go to a qualified homeopath because although lots of people use it off the shelf and diagnose, having done a year of study i realise how much you need to know to prescribe properly.
I think a lot of people doubt it because 1. they want scientific evidence for proof and 2. because it doesnt work as well if you dont get the specific remedy needed - there are 3,000 (ish) proven remedies, the person prescribing really does need to know what they are doing.

The only thing i gave up using homeopathy for in all these years has been when my children got worms and headlice at the same time and we couldnt clear it - i gave it a year and we kept getting more bouts so i resorted to conventional medicine for the worms.

Homeopathy has got me through depression and many other deep rooted health issues.

Herbal medicine has value because the herbs actually contain active compounds which have an effect upon the body. As long as they're properly used they're fine.

Homeopathy uses the principle of diluting herbal treatments until there is no trace of the original element left! This cannot possibly work - they claim that diluting actually makes the compound stronger which is clearly just rubbish!

I use several herbal treatments which I have found work better than conventional medicines, but I would NEVER touch homeopathy!

Yes homeopathy works and yes, you need to have a qualified homeopath select your remedy to ensure that it is the exact remedy for your condition.

Homeopathy is not the hame as herbal medicine nor it it all netural health care. Many people are confused by this. Homeopathy is a very specific modality within the field of natural health care that uses remedies that are often given in the form of little pellets to be disolved under the tongue or liquid drops. Remedies are given in small neutralizing doses. The concept is simmilar to allergy shots or vaccinations only they function on an electromagnetic level.

why dont you forget about medicines.. and do what i did and you will never be the same person..go on the internet and type in www.ghr1000 and sytropin..on year ago i was one foot away from my grave. i tried it and today at 62 i look good i feel good and the greatest sex in the world..just do what i tell you and you wont look back..good luck

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