When I make green tea, how can I prevent it from being bitter?!

Question: Don't use boiling water! I made this mistake until I read the side of the box and it said to never use boiling water - just hot - only brew the tea for a couple of minutes as well - the longer you leave it the more bitter it becomes!

I guess you can also sweeten it with stuff, but I don't like sweetened drinks so I don't bother.

Answers: Don't use boiling water! I made this mistake until I read the side of the box and it said to never use boiling water - just hot - only brew the tea for a couple of minutes as well - the longer you leave it the more bitter it becomes!

I guess you can also sweeten it with stuff, but I don't like sweetened drinks so I don't bother.

sweeten it with stevia


Only steep it for a max of 2-3 minutes, no longer, and not at extremely hot temperatures. Add honey to it. Infuse it with other fruit flavors, or peppermint. I could be wrong, but I notice if I steep it too long or too hot it becomes bitter. I have also found a website for you that you might find helpful:
Good luck, and enjoy your tea! :)

I put sugar in green tea. But my fiance uses honey.

the back of my green tea says "to avoid bitterness, only steep tea for 2-3 minutes in hot, not boiling, water"

You are steeping too long, or have a cheap brand. Steeping time for green and black teas is 3 minutes. Herbal teas often steep longer, but not green or black. Sweeten with Stevia if sweetening. We use liquid - 1 drop per cup.

Some kinds are less bitter than others. Zen tea and lighter-colored tea leaves are less bitter. Check out Upton Tea Company (http://www.uptontea.com/shopcart/home.as... ) or Tealuxe ( http://www.tealuxe.com/) and see what they say.

I also agree with previous posters who say that you shouldn't steep it too much or for too long.

lipton green tea is available in market get the tea bags and enjoy it wont give u bad taste perfect blend of enjoying taste.

I make mine in cold water and it's never bitter.

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