Homeopathic treatment for ulcers?!

Question: My friend has stomach ulcers and is on Zantac. She said that usually helps right away but lately it's not because she is really stressed. Are there any homeopathic treatments that will help? She said her best reliever was to work out, but she currently has a leg injury and can't do that. She is under a lot of family stress right not that is not likely to go away soon. Any advice would be appreciated. I am a big believer in homeopathic remedies and try to share ideas with others when I hear they are popping pills every day! Thanks!!

Answers: My friend has stomach ulcers and is on Zantac. She said that usually helps right away but lately it's not because she is really stressed. Are there any homeopathic treatments that will help? She said her best reliever was to work out, but she currently has a leg injury and can't do that. She is under a lot of family stress right not that is not likely to go away soon. Any advice would be appreciated. I am a big believer in homeopathic remedies and try to share ideas with others when I hear they are popping pills every day! Thanks!!

If you're looking for easy natural products to try, Aloe Vera and DGL (Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice) are not only stomach soothers, but many people use them to help with damage to the stomach walls such as Ulcers. Your friend might also get general soothing from Ginger or Peppermint Oil, but those wouldn't as much for healing the stomach as they would help to soothe it.

There aren't any Homeopathic products that claim to help Ulcers, although your friend could see a Homeopath and get treatment that way (it would be more personalized, which is the best way for Homeopathy). Good luck!

Yes my friend, aloe vera juice extract. This is the ONLY thing that has helped my ulcers, and I am so happy to share this with you. It offers instant soothing relief and will actually promote healing within a week. If you don't believe me please take the time to research aloe vera online. It's perfect, inexpensive, and natural. Good luck

Actually Licorice root is good for ulcers, I've been taking them for some time now and they are beneficial for a wide range of things, from ulcers, to colds, to the flu. Its antibacterial and antiviral, although most of its benefits come from the ingredient: glycyrrhizin, so althouth the deglycyrrhizinated licorice will work for ulcers, you might as well use the non deglycyrrhizinated licorice root, there are no downsides to this version, but many will tell you there is.

I am glad to read you are a big believer in homeopathic
remedies. Since your friend is having lot of family stress
which is the main cause for stress related ulcers the only
remedy i can recommend is KALI PHOS - 30X tablets
before meals i.e. 4 tablets half an hour before consuming
food and FERRUM PHOS - 30X tablets half an hour after
consuming food. Quantity 4 tablets. This should calm the
stress as well as the ulcer. God bless and good luck.
Cheers! :o)

Dont know about Homeopathic treatment for ulcers but you can check out these remedies for ulcer. Hope it helps you.

There are no specific homoeopathic remedies which can cure / relieve ulcer. Since homoeopathic treatment is wholistic treatment all the details of the patient are needed. Yes there are homoeopathic remedies for this condition. Contact a nereby homoeopath for further treatment.

Homeopathic treatments are very specific to symptoms - plural. Just an ulcer can be treated by an MD as a specific symptom. But, you want the underlying cause to be eliminated, not just one symptom of a greater problem. The best thing to do is find a good homeopath and do a complete history so a proper diagnosis and remedy can be delivered.

And YES, it can help. Homeopathy can help with many things that MDs think they have the corner of the market on. It can actually even CURE, a word that MDs, the AMA and the FDA do not allow homeopaths to use. I'm not a homeopath, so I can use it. I'm a patient. Definitely check into homeopathic options.

We use Dr. Cindee Gardner - http://www.cindeegardner.com You can check her website for fees. She has successfully treated any condition we have turned to her for.

You may also want to check into a Naturopath - (that'll send our resident homeopathic stalking troll sputtering too) - they also treat the whole body, whole person.

fresh, raw cabbage juice...

"Are there any homeopathic treatments that will help?"


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