Ulcer help?!

Question: I have Chron's and stomache ulcers taking Aciphex but still having pain are there diets or food/drinks that will help

Answers: I have Chron's and stomache ulcers taking Aciphex but still having pain are there diets or food/drinks that will help

Slippery elm; powder or capsule form. Lines the stomache, is soothing and nutritive.

Licorice; As a tea or tincture. Coats and protects the stomache wall and limits acid production. Can be taken with slippery elm. Avoid if you have high blood pressure or taking Digoxin based drugs.

Meadowsweet; Anti inflammotary, reduces stomache acid secretions, soothing and healing for the stomache lining. Take as a tea or tincture.

Aloe Vera; Liquid is best. Soothing.

Raw Cabbage juice; on an empty stomache.

Good foods to eat; Avocados, oats, bananas, yoghurts (goats best), soups, rice, cucumber, potato, lettuce and all chlorophyll based foods, algaes and flax/linseeds (ground and pre-soaked).

Foods to avoid; Fried foods, poor quality vegie oils, red meats, hot spices, too much salt, coffee, vinegar, citrus fruits, pepper, mustards, alchohol etc.

Good Luck!

You can try Peppermint Oil, Ginger, DGL (Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice), or Aloe Vera. All of those are very good natural stomach soothers. Good luck!

Avoid acidic food, such as meat and poultry. Refrain from eating food with saturated fats. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, no carbonated drinks.

Try Gaviscon. It's like maalox but 10 times better. I don't know of any food or drink that could help really. Sorry.

Hi, the first answer is very good. Also drink Xango (stairbuilder.com), very little at first. one spoonful in a glass of water. then gradually increase to two ounces three times a day, and with luck, prayer, faith, and mostly hope. Don't give up on things because they don't work right away, natural supplements, food, work over time. The same way we get sick.

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