Looking for natural remedies for depression. Hate st johns wart. thanks?!

Question: Hi. Some essential oils help to lift depression if not very deep - usually the neroli/orange/lemon range. Combine with a good massage by someone experienced in helping you choose oils. Exercise is essential as is an overall look at your life and thoughts. The Bach flower remedies have helped a lot of people as well - again they need appropriate choosing as the is no 'one size fits all'

Answers: Hi. Some essential oils help to lift depression if not very deep - usually the neroli/orange/lemon range. Combine with a good massage by someone experienced in helping you choose oils. Exercise is essential as is an overall look at your life and thoughts. The Bach flower remedies have helped a lot of people as well - again they need appropriate choosing as the is no 'one size fits all'


If you have a chance...check out this book
Natural Health Remedies by Janet Maccaro

or this link...http://www.amazon.com/Breaking-Dangerous...

which is another book by Maccaro. She has natural alternatives to multiple ailments including depression. Hope this helps.

Try yoga, and meditation, I have heard that it does help. Read comical books, to produce the hormone (forgot which one) that is the effect of laughter.

If you have bills talk to someone about that, talking is also good for us women, it helps us destress. Walk the park...

i heard (or read, i don't remember) somewhere that eating turkey will help with depression...no really! i was happy to hear about that because 1. i'm depressed all the time too and 2. turkey is delicious!

too bad it's only a thanksgiving kinda thing at my house =(

so, stock up on the gobbles = P

A lot of significant research is being done in the area of physical activity as an anti-depressant. It is even being used in clinics and in replacement of medication. Most physicians suggest that it is used in combination with a prescription but it has been shown to work by itself. The most dramatic effects have been made by rigorous activity such as sprinting or lifting weights. But whatever is practical and appropriate for you should help.

I have long struggled with depression and have found it helps a lot. And it helps loose a few pounds in the process.

Try meditation. It helps if you forget about your frustrations for a while.

When I feel that coming on....I pray first. Then I supplement with B vitamins I take a complex B. Ginsing also helps. Then I go to the Hallmark store and read greeting cards. You won't believe this but after a while you will start laughing and start to feel better. Talk to good friends and family members, plan a dinner and movie with good people. Get out and take a walk. Go to a nursing home and read to a resident. Make someone else feel good and then see how you feel.

Do breathing exercise and have positive thinking. Remember only best thing which you feel refreshing. Have faith in God. You are made with purpose, identify that & do that.

B 100 complex and 5-HTP.

Exercise and good diet - no caffeine, high fructose corn syrup or artificial sweeteners. No MSG or artificial colors either. All those affect mood.

Most important is the exercise really though, get out and walk 30 minutes every other day at least.

Try tyrosine. Good luck.

try SAMe

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