How to cure a cold fast?!

Question: any tips?? i have a runny nose, hot head, sore throat

Answers: any tips?? i have a runny nose, hot head, sore throat

Here's just a few good old fashioned common sense things that you can do.Go get yourself a powdered form of ascorbid acid (vitamin C) with bioflavonoids from either the health food store or chemist. The bioflavonoids will increase the effectiveness of vitamin C 10 fold. Have 3,000 - 4,000mg (3 - 4 teaspoons) daily mixed with water until the cold subsides then maintain your immunity with 1 teaspoon daily.

Most health food stores also sell a product called Zinc Fix which combines the power of vitamin C with Zinc in a powdered form. The Zinc bolsters the effects of vitamin C and this is my powder of choice for a cold.

Drink vitamin C rich rosehips tea as this is the richest known source of vitamin C. (the organic loose leaf variety - it may be a bit more expensive but as it is organic you can generally reuse the spent leaves a couple of times as the essential oils are so potent).

Increase your intake of vitamin C rich foods on a dialy basis to prevent any further infection and to reduce the amount of time you are ill...... ie: citrus fruits, berries, leafy and green vegies, tomatoes and red and green peppers.

Loads of freshly squeezed juices are good too.

Ensure you are drinking plenty of pure filtered water to flush the germies out of your body .......... and keep you well hydrated ....... avoid sugar and also avoid caffeine containing beverages such as coffee, tea, soda and soft drinks, as these will only serve to dehydrate you and rob your body of essential B & C vitamins.

Ensure you are drinking or eating something with Beta - carotene in it daily to heal quicker and in future to prevent further colds, as Vitamin A will aid in the proper function of the immune system, shorten the duration of illnesses and generally bolster the health of the mucosal lining of your ear nose and throat ie: carrott juice, pumpkin soups, eggs, milk and dairy products.

Take a good quality multi B complex supplement on a daily basis both now while you're sick and for future prevention methods. The B complex of vitamins is essential for healthy immune, digestive and neural functioning and will help your body deal with the extra stress of being ill.

Things such as caffeine, sodas and soft drinks, antidepressants, antibiotics, diuretics, laxatives and aspirin and most otc cold medicines and alcohol will also do a great job of robbing you of your precious B vitamins.

Nettle tea bought in the loose organic form from the health food store and brewed for 20 minutes, will help to heal and soothe a sore ........... the taste of nettle tea is quite bland and ordinary so perhaps spice it up with some honey or lemon juice.

Also, a good vapour inhalant when you have a cold is to put a couple of drops of eucalyptus oil into a salad bowl of hot water and .......... being carefull not to get so close as to burn your face ......... place a towel over your head and inhale the vapours. This will do a great job of clearing your sinuses, help in reducing any temperature you may have and to loosen and remove mucous.

Caution: Avoid using if you have high blood pressure or suffer from epilepsy.

Good luck & health & vitality to you & yours?


Entirely my pleasure !! Hope you are bouncing and healthy again really quickly ........ :0)

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  • Jiah h's Avatar by Jiah h
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  • Rest.. lots and lots of rest.

    Zinc lozengers. I promise

    Wash your hands often. That is how you spread germs back to yourself. Buy some hand sanitizer. So anytime you sneeze, or blow your nose, you can use it to clean your hands.

    rest, vitamines, WATER, zinc tablets.

    CHEAP BUT WORKS - EMERGEN-C at any local store near you. about 50 cents a packet. (Its really exceptional for what it is and a box is 8.50 for 24 of them and it becomes 35 cents a packet.

    NOT CHEAP BUT WORKS A natural Colostrum product. It stimulates your immune cells to get rid of the virus and bacteria faster, about 38 dollars a bottle. It does more stuff like
    ? remove harmful heavy metals.*
    ? remove toxins.*
    ? remove damaged cellular materials.*
    ? destroy foreign substances.*

    Source(s) LINKS:

    Emergen C -

    Colostrum product is an Immune Support product under Wellness Management when browsing products

    Esberitox. It's a little pricey, but it works wonders!

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