Having Acupuncture this afternoon for the first time????????!

Question: Any experiences to share or tips? I'm a little nervous.

Answers: Any experiences to share or tips? I'm a little nervous.

you shouldnt feel like its going to be painful, once you lay down think of a happy moment you had in the past, and just chillax, nah mean :)) hope u enjoy it

go in with an open mind and enjoy, just remeber to relax

its not painful, it doesnt even hurt as much as getting a tattoo.
it really does help with symptoms, and muscle aches. just relax itll feel better when its all done.

What I learned from television is that accupuncture is done by sticking needles (not very far) into the skin and that helps the 'chi' flow more normal and then your aches and pains go away (for a while). The show I watched also said to do what is called 'cupping'. Cupping is a specialty where they warm the inside of what looks like a fishbowl and they stick it on your back. what that does is it gets all the toxins and bad stuff out of your body by sucking it out through your skin. It will leave marks, but that is because it works. the marks will go away. eventually.

as long as they use fresh needles that are sterilized youve got nothing to worry about.
i had it done in my head, feet, and wrists. it doesnt really hurt. feels like you accidentally bumped into a thistle or something with thorns.
im not sure whether or not i think it works. i went for insomnia, and he sort of gave me some herbal stuff, acupuncture and some meditation excercises all at once, so whether it was a mix or just one i dont know.
i wouldnt be nervous though, you just sit there under a heat lamp and relax for 20 minutes or so till the needles are done working the magic. i think having an IV in your arm would be more uncomfortable

good luck

Many times they put a current through the needles for better results. It's really not that painful.

You'll be fine, you don't ahve anything to worry about. YOu'll fell better and you won't have any pain, if it is its just a small sting that's like a pinch. Good luck.

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