What over the counter drugs can you buy for high blood pressure?!

Question: I'm in UK, need to find something i can just buy from Boots or something

Answers: I'm in UK, need to find something i can just buy from Boots or something

there are no over the counter medications for high blood pressure.. ou will need to see a doctor and have a presciption written. high blood pressure is a serious condition if not treated properly and can lead to numerous other health complications if not monitored. I've worked in an internal medicine office for over 6 years now.

you really aught to have it checked by your gp and get a proper prescription if needed. there are various reasons for high blood pleasure, so get it checked out .

hope all goes well

nothing i wouldn't expect. Ask the pharmacist but I imagine he'll tell u to see your gp

u cant .... in UK go to spain and you can....
otherwise go to docs and he will prescribe them...its easy to take something that doesnt suit and it could be the end of you

Please don`t buy over the counter stuff, go to your GP, he/she knows best.

You can try to regulate it by exercise, don't smoke, reduce intake of alcohol and sodium (while maintaining an adequate intake of calcium, magnesium, and potassium).
Eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, garlic and low-fat dairy products, with reduced saturated and total fat content.

From the Merck site!

NO pills work for high blood pressure, over the counter or prescription.
Prescription meds have never been shown to decrease heart attack or stroke rates!!!
They just proved that cholesterol medications speed up the artery closing two times faster!!!
Eat right, exercise, get enough sleep, and see a good massage therapist or Chiropractor for stress. Otherwise try some valerian root or something herbal - at least they do something without killing you.

There are no useful over the counter medications for raised blood pressure. First thing to do is establish if you actually have a blood pressure problem. This is definitely NOT something to to tackle on your own. You need a large number of independent BP readings and if possible a 24 hour BP monitor trace.

Your renal, liver function and cholesterol need to be measured, and depending on your age, 24 hour urine for metadrenalins and renal scan need to be performed to exclude the rare, treatable causes of hypertension.

IF you have hypertension, you also need to ensure your weight is within the normal range, you take vigorous exercise and have a low salt intake. You will also need careful, professional monitoring for the duration to ensure optimum control.

Never play at doctors, it is foolish and potentially dangerous, it is hard enough after 10 years of training + years of experience!

nothing . any medicines for blood pressure are on prescription only.

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