St John's Wort?!

Question: and other herbal otc anti depressants do they work any exp

Answers: and other herbal otc anti depressants do they work any exp

They are not for seriously depressed, but for a milder depression it works.

It can cause you to be sensitive to light.(sun burn easy)

This is debatable. Some studies have shown that it does work, and others have shown it does not. The best way to find out is to try it. If it doesn't help after 4-6 weeks, it's probably not going to help. Be careful if you're taking other medicines, though, as it could react with them, especially antidepressants. (If you're already taking an antidepressant, don't mix it with St. John's Wort.) Most people find St. John's Wort to have few side effects, though some will notice dry mouth and difficulty sleeping. If you have any problems, stop taking it.

There are many natural products out there for depression. If you go to garage/yard sales, from time to time you pick up books on natural cures and for not much money.Before these drug companies come along people used natural products, With some Dr's they are on a percentage from the drug companies or they get holidays etc.I was reading one of your answer they were saying about sleepless nights and dry mouth. I'm curious in the long run what do drugs do, that Dr's prescribe. I think some of them give you more then sleepless nights and a dry mouth, It is true with some natural product you have to be careful wth what type of drugs it is taken with. With that you would have to do a lot of research in that alone would be a great book you could write.

...St John's wat?...b-12 is a good switch and working out to combat a mood.

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