Anyone one something I could eat without possibly regurgitating?!

Question: The doctor is out of town and I'm really freaking hungry. Know of anything I can eat without making myself sick? I have some kind of stomach bug.

Answers: The doctor is out of town and I'm really freaking hungry. Know of anything I can eat without making myself sick? I have some kind of stomach bug.

Two points:

1. If you have the flu, you shouldn't eat within 2 hours of vomiting. It will only make it last longer. Best nausea drink is ginger tea. If you don't have any ginger tea, make some easily with the cooking spice. 1/4 tsp in a cup of hot water, sweeten with honey. Drink plenty of fluids -clear and not soda or juice drinks. Drink water, 100% juices like apple or other non-aciidic (don't do orange, citrus, etc). Add bouillon to hot water for a broth. If you are vomiting constantly, try adding a teaspoon of sea salt to a large glass of water and drink that.

2. If you really don't have a flu, you may be excessively hungry. I have a child who would vomit and have flu type symptoms when she didn't eat enough at a meal or for snacks between. It was a sugar problem. If you think this might be it, then start slowly with a poached egg on toast. Egg is a super food, missing only Vit C. It is also very good for a first food after a flu. The best way to eat it with an upset stomach is poached - retains more nutrients and has no grease. If you keep that down, then wait a bit and have another. Then add other mild foods such as rice, applesauce, crackers. Start slowly adding in more food avoiding heavy fats and acids until you have eaten for a day or so. Then slowly resume your normal diet.

Finally, if it is the flu, the doctor can't do anything for you. Flu is viral. But, if it isn't the flu, and after getting back to normal foods you start to regress, you may want to have a doc check for something else that may be causing the problem.

Have a little toast with jam - The toast will give you something filling and the jam will sweeten your stomach - do not use butter - just jam.

i know its hard but if you can just drink planty of hot or cold drinks as if you do eat anything now it could feed the bug and make you worst where as if you leave it 24hours the bug will not have anything to live on and die good luck hope your feeling better tomorrow.

Miso soup is an excellent choice when one has a stomach bug. It will help to rebalance your minerals/electrolytes, is very mild and gentle on the stomach, and is easy to digest.

if your stomach doesn't want anything, why are you trying to force it? Clear liquids till you feel better and then start slow, toast, crackers, chicken soup. If it comes back up, back to liquids.

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